Design Guide

Fawn (Uncommon)

Category: Mutations

Tabby (Uncommon)

Category: Mutations

Genetics: Ty_
Locus:​ B | Ty | Cv | Dt | D
BTy = Bengal, TyCv = Tabby, TyDt = Tabby, TyD = Dun Tabby, nTty/TyTy = Tabby


  • Causes swirl/stripe markings that mirror the appearance of classic tabby cats, causing a combination of swirls around 1-3 origin points on the body and stripes that follow the flow/shape of the body.
  • Stripes should generally be oriented horizontally on most of the body, but may become more vertical in the neck/withers area.
  • Markings are always darker than what's below them, but can be lowered in opacity as to be affected by natural variance.
  • Where they cross the undersides or at the edge of partial-body coverage, stripes may optionally be faded by a soft gradient, either to lower their opacity or fade them out completely.
  • Ends of the stripes should taper, and width of stripes should vary. Origin point of the swirled markings may be more solid/rounded.
  • Skin: No effect
  • Eyes: No effect


  • Dun Tabby: When Dun and Tabby are present on the same horse, both will co-exist.
    • Causes body dilution under the Tabby markings.
    • Also causes dorsal stripe and leg barring, but not shoulder barring.
    • Dorsal stripe will be on top if darker than Tabby, or underneath if lighter.
    • Leg barring should show one or the other on the joint, not overlap.
    • Only applies to normal Dun, not Primitive Dun.


  • Minimum: Stripes covering at least half of the main part of the body (excludes head/legs). Must have at least one swirl area.
  • Maximum: Stripes covering the entire body, except for the head and lower legs.


Blue Roan Tabby

Red Dun Tabby

Buckskin Tabby

Inverse (Rare)

Category: Mutations

Civet (Rare)

Category: Mutations

Ghoul (Seasonal)

Category: Mutations

Genetics: Gh_
Locus: Gh


  • White pattern that originates from the head/neck, as if a sheet has been draped over the horse.
  • May have ripped/torn holes for the eyes, mouth, and within the pattern. Holes should be tapered.
  • Edges will be irregular/frayed, again as if torn or cut at the ends. 


  • Minimum: Must cover most of the head, covering up to the eye/jaw vertically. Should have the same tapered edges as usual.
  • Maximum: Marking should angle up and taper along the back toward the tail, not reaching the tailhead. Cannot cross the belly, and coverage should taper closer to the topline as it moves toward the back of the horse.


Buckskin Roan Ghoul

Sooty Chestnut Ghoul Rapunzel

Bay Roan Ghoul

Flecked (Common)

Category: Oddities

Halo (Common)

Category: Oddities

Masked (Common)

Category: Oddities

Plumage (Common)

Category: Oddities

Chimera (Uncommon)

Category: Oddities


  • ​Causes patches of another color on the coat, according to the specifications below.
    • On foals, Chimera may be anything genetically possible from the parents. In breedings, it is automatically rolled for color. 
    • On imports, Chimera is based on the main phenotype. You may remove genes found in the base pheno, switch the base color (e/a genes), and add up to 1 natural marking/modifier.
  • Rapunzel, oddities, and carried genes are not listed in the Chimera pheno.
  • Ranges in size and shape of coverage, but should be no smaller than the hoof and no larger than half of each separate side of the body.
  • Each area of coverage should be a distinct patch, not striping/brindling, a geometric/special shape, etc. Edges are somewhat irregular.
  • May have up to 3 different patches total. Each should have a main area of concentration, not branch all the way across the body.
  • Markings should not line up perfectly at the edges between base coat and Chimera patches. This includes continuous stripes, white markings, etc. 
  • Chimera and Patchwork cannot exist on the same horse.
  • Effect on Mane/Tail: 
    • Neck patches should continue into the mane.
    • If a Chimera patch covers the dock of the tail, the tail must be affected (partial or full coverage).
    • If no patch is present at the dock of the tail, up to half of the tail can optionally be affected by Chimera on its own.


  • Oddities* found on the base coat may also show on the Chimera coat without being in the Chimera pheno.
    • *This excludes Chimera/Patchwork itself. To add an additional layer of Chimera inside the existing Chimera patches, you'll need to use a Tornado item.


  • Minimum: One visible patch at least as large as the hoof.
  • Maximum: Three patches on the body and one patch in the tail.


Black Rapunzel + Chimera (Grey on Black)

Latte Tobiano Splash Corset + Wulf, Halo, Chimera (Espresso Tobiano Splash)

Chestnut Rapunzel + Chimera (Black)

Rift (Uncommon)

Category: Oddities

107 results found.