Design Guide

Primitive Dun (Common)

Category: Mutations

Genetics: Dt_
Locus: B | Ty | Cv | Dt | D
CvDt = Civet, TyDt = Tabby, BDt = Bengal, DtD = Primitive Dun, nDt/DtDt = Primitive Dun


  • Dilutes the body, leaving the legs and head alone (may reach the cheek slightly).
  • A modified form of Dun. Causes an exaggerated expression of primitive markings.
    • Leg barring and dorsal stripe are required, while shoulder barring and facial cobwebbing are optional.
    • Will extend, thicken, and overall exaggerate the stripes in these areas.
  • Stripes must clearly radiate from normal dun markings, and should taper at the edges. 
  • Stripes on the front half of the body should be vertical, may not cross the throat/underside of the neck, and should stop just after the withers.
  • Stripes on the back half of the body should be horizontal, stop at the dock of the tail (not continue on to the back), and should not pass the hip.
  • Stripes on the front legs will gradually transition to become more vertical as they meet the markings coming from the topline.
  • Primitive markings should be a few shades darker than the points, or black if points are already black.
  • Mane/Tail: May exhibit light "frosting" blended at the roots of the hair.
  • Skin: No effect
  • Eyes: No effect


  • Civet, Bengal, and Tabby: When paired with these genes, Primitive Dun will be hidden and have no effect.
  • On renamed Dun combos, "Primitive" will be written before the color rather than after (Primitive Grullo, Primitive Red Dun, Primitive Dunalino, etc).


  • Minimum: Dilution (lightening) of the body, as well as leg barring and dorsal stripe. May look like normal Dun at minimum.
  • Maximum: Extension of all primitive markings (leg barring, shoulder barring, facial cobwebbing) to the bounds described above.


Bay Pearl Primitive Dun Tobiano + Wulf

Dawn Primitive Dun Splash

Primtiive Grullo + Birdcatcher spots
1 result found.