Design Guide

Dun (Uncommon)

Category: Markings/Modifiers

Genetics: D_
Locus: B | Ty | Cv | Dt | D
CvD = Dun Civet, TyD = Dun Tabby, BD = Dun Bengal, DtD = Primitive Dun, nD/DD = Dun


  • Dilutes the body, leaving the legs and head alone (may reach the cheek slightly).
  • Primitive markings will be present on the knee/hock joints ("leg barring") and topline ("dorsal stripe").
  • Primitive markings should be a few shades darker than the points, or black if points are already black.
  • Mane/Tail: May exhibit "frosting" at the roots (light guard hairs; blended).
  • Skin: No effect
  • Eyes: No effect


  • Dun Tabby: When Dun and Tabby are present on the same horse, both will co-exist.
    • Causes body dilution under the Tabby markings.
    • Also causes dorsal stripe and leg barring, but not shoulder barring.
    • Dorsal stripe will be on top if darker than Tabby, or underneath if lighter.
    • Leg barring should show one or the other on the joint, not overlap.
  • Dun Civet: When Dun and Civet are present on the same horse, both will co-exist.
    • Causes body dilution under the Civet markings.
    • Dorsal stripe and leg barring are not visible as Civet is on top. 
    • Should not have shoulder barring from Dun.
  • Dun Bengal: When Dun and Bengal are present on the same horse, both will co-exist.
    • Causes body dilution under the Bengal markings.
    • Also causes dorsal stripe and leg barring, but not shoulder barring.
    • Dorsal stripe will be underneath Bengal markings.
  • Roan: Roan may lighten the presentation of Dun but not fully mask the primitive markings.
  • Pangare: Pangare may lighten the presentation of Dun but not fully mask the primitive markings.


  • Minimum: Dilution (lightening) of the body, as well as leg barring and dorsal stripe.
  • Maximum: Dilution (lightening) of the body, as well as leg barring and dorsal stripe. Shoulder barring and facial "cobwebbing" that radiates from the forehead.


Bay Dun

Spice Dun

Red Dun
1 result found.