Design Guide

Stained (Common)

Category: Mutations

Genetics: St_
Locus: St


  • Stained may present in two different forms. You may freely choose either form when designing, but not both.
  • Causes parts of the coat to be darkened - area/amount is dependent on the version chosen.
  • Darkening should be medium/low-opacity, keeping underlying variance intact (dapples, countershading, etc).
  • May exhibit darker or lighter mapping around the stained markings.
  • Version A:
    • Causes 1-3 random independent patches of the coat to be darker.
    • ​Patches should have edges with cutouts, similar to the shape/edges of Overo.
  • Version B:
    • Darkens some or all of the white markings on the horse. Adheres to all rules/bounds for the marking, just makes them dark.
    • If a marking is darkened, it must affect all white that physically touches it, even if caused by two different genes.
    • Natural white may be applied on top after staining if desired (this is the only exception to the "all white that touches" rule above).
    • Affects everything listed under "White Markings" on the Visual Hierarchy page.


  • Halo: Mapping on Version B can be affected by Halo, darkening the Halo as well if the main marking is Stained.


  • Minimum:
    • Version A: At least one marking as large as the head.
    • Version B: At least one marking affected.
  • Maximum:
    • Version A: Up to three different markings, not exceeding more than 1/3 of the body total on each side.
    • Version B: All white markings are affected.

Version A Examples:

Stained Smoky Cream

Stained Silver Abyss Husky Dun Tobiano Rapunzel + Wulf

Stained Grey on Chestnut Splash

Version B Examples:

Stained Bay Roan Splash

Stained Dominant White on Liver Chestnut

Stained Grullo Tobiano
1 result found.