Design Guide

Tabby (Uncommon)

Category: Mutations

Genetics: Ty_
Locus:​ B | Ty | Cv | Dt | D
BTy = Bengal, TyCv = Tabby, TyDt = Tabby, TyD = Dun Tabby, nTty/TyTy = Tabby


  • Causes swirl/stripe markings that mirror the appearance of classic tabby cats, causing a combination of swirls around 1-3 origin points on the body and stripes that follow the flow/shape of the body.
  • Stripes should generally be oriented horizontally on most of the body, but may become more vertical in the neck/withers area.
  • Markings are always darker than what's below them, but can be lowered in opacity as to be affected by natural variance.
  • Where they cross the undersides or at the edge of partial-body coverage, stripes may optionally be faded by a soft gradient, either to lower their opacity or fade them out completely.
  • Ends of the stripes should taper, and width of stripes should vary. Origin point of the swirled markings may be more solid/rounded.
  • Skin: No effect
  • Eyes: No effect


  • Dun Tabby: When Dun and Tabby are present on the same horse, both will co-exist.
    • Causes body dilution under the Tabby markings.
    • Also causes dorsal stripe and leg barring, but not shoulder barring.
    • Dorsal stripe will be on top if darker than Tabby, or underneath if lighter.
    • Leg barring should show one or the other on the joint, not overlap.
    • Only applies to normal Dun, not Primitive Dun.


  • Minimum: Stripes covering at least half of the main part of the body (excludes head/legs). Must have at least one swirl area.
  • Maximum: Stripes covering the entire body, except for the head and lower legs.


Blue Roan Tabby

Red Dun Tabby

Buckskin Tabby
1 result found.