Design Guide

Husky (Uncommon)

Category: Mutations

Genetics: Hk
Locus:​ Hk | P
HkP = Husky, nHk/HkHk = Husky


  • Husky is a dramatic lightening pattern that mirrors the appearance of the dog breed that shares its name.
  • Lightening should be very pale and visible, sometimes near-white. It should be blended, but should generally be a little sharper than Pangare.
  • Lightening must affect the face, neck/throat, chest, armpit, and belly, and may also affect the hindquarters and legs.
  • Areas of lightening should follow/hug the curves of the body, coming up highest at the sides of each curved section.
  • Face lightening should be a mask centering around the eye and muzzle, often filling in to connect the two and lighten the chin/cheek as well.
    • May lighten the brow spot above the eyes as well, as long as the edge is still blended rather than solid.
    • May also cause a softly-blended star or stripe marking down the center of the face (example).
  • Leg lightening should hug the back side of the legs, leaving the most color on the knee/hock and coronets/pasterns.
  • Optional darkening may be present along the topline, similar to Sooty, but this is not a requirement.
  • Mane/Tail: ​Optional; blended lightening from the ends of the hair, up to halfway
  • Skin: No effect
  • Eyes: Optional; Blue | Detail Guide


  • Minimum: Lightening present on the eyes, muzzle, neck/throat, chest, armpit, and groin.
  • Maximum: Lightening present on the face (eyes/muzzle/brows/forehead), muzzle, neck/throat, chest, armpit, groin, legs, and hindquarters. Darkening along the topline. Light gradient from the tips of the hair.


Black Husky

Chestnut Husky Splash

Black Pearl Husky
1 result found.