Design Guide

Snowfall (Common)

Category: Mutations

Genetics: Sf_
Locus: Sf


  • Causes speckling as if snow has collected on the topline and/or around white markings. You may choose one or both when designing!
    • Topline: Concentrated on the withers/back, as if snow has been sprinkled on the horse.
    • Marking: Concentrated on the border of the markings, and sprinkled slightly outward.
  • Spots can vary in density and size, but should be smaller than the eye. Bigger patches are caused by dense spotting that merges.
  • Spots should become sparser the further they are from the main concentration area, so that there is noticeable taper in density.


  • Minimum: Must cover the withers or attach to at least one white marking - it cannot be completely hidden.
  • Maximum: Snowfall along the topline and all markings. Topline concentration should only cover about 1/4 of the barrel vertically.


Perlino Splash Snowfall

Black Snowfall

Black Pearl Snowfall
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