Design Guide

Flecked (Common)

Category: Oddities

Halo (Common)

Category: Oddities

Masked (Common)

Category: Oddities

Plumage (Common)

Category: Oddities

Chimera (Uncommon)

Category: Oddities


  • ​Causes patches of another color on the coat, according to the specifications below.
    • On foals, Chimera may be anything genetically possible from the parents. In breedings, it is automatically rolled for color. 
    • On imports, Chimera is based on the main phenotype. You may remove genes found in the base pheno, switch the base color (e/a genes), and add up to 1 natural marking/modifier.
  • Rapunzel, oddities, and carried genes are not listed in the Chimera pheno.
  • Ranges in size and shape of coverage, but should be no smaller than the hoof and no larger than half of each separate side of the body.
  • Each area of coverage should be a distinct patch, not striping/brindling, a geometric/special shape, etc. Edges are somewhat irregular.
  • May have up to 3 different patches total. Each should have a main area of concentration, not branch all the way across the body.
  • Markings should not line up perfectly at the edges between base coat and Chimera patches. This includes continuous stripes, white markings, etc. 
  • Chimera and Patchwork cannot exist on the same horse.
  • Effect on Mane/Tail: 
    • Neck patches should continue into the mane.
    • If a Chimera patch covers the dock of the tail, the tail must be affected (partial or full coverage).
    • If no patch is present at the dock of the tail, up to half of the tail can optionally be affected by Chimera on its own.


  • Oddities* found on the base coat may also show on the Chimera coat without being in the Chimera pheno.
    • *This excludes Chimera/Patchwork itself. To add an additional layer of Chimera inside the existing Chimera patches, you'll need to use a Tornado item.


  • Minimum: One visible patch at least as large as the hoof.
  • Maximum: Three patches on the body and one patch in the tail.


Black Rapunzel + Chimera (Grey on Black)

Latte Tobiano Splash Corset + Wulf, Halo, Chimera (Espresso Tobiano Splash)

Chestnut Rapunzel + Chimera (Black)

Rift (Uncommon)

Category: Oddities

Wulf (Rare)

Category: Oddities

Patchwork (Rare)

Category: Oddities


  • Causes the secondary phenotype to display in the areas where all white markings would be.
    • On foals, Patchwork may be anything genetically possible from the parents. In breedings, it is automatically rolled for color. 
    • On imports, Patchwork is based on the main phenotype. You may remove genes found in the base pheno, switch the base color (e/a genes), and add up to 1 natural marking/modifier.
  • Rapunzel, carried genes, and oddities are not listed in the Patchwork phenotype.
  • Coverage is determined by how much white the horse would have, rather than being subject to normal Chimera rules.
  • The base coat will not have white markings, but the Patchwork coat may have white markings and show them that way.
  • Affects everything listed under "White Markings" on the Visual Hierarchy page.
  • Chimera and Patchwork cannot be on the same horse.​​


  • Oddities* found on the base coat may also show on the Patchwork coat without being in the Patchwork pheno.
    • *This excludes Chimera/Patchwork itself - no Patchwork-ception, sorry!
  • Marbled: When paired with Patchwork, Marbled will be present around the Patchwork areas as if it were still a white marking.


Grey on Lilac Tobiano Rapunzel + Grease Spots, Patchwork (Grey on Lilac Tobiano)

Chestnut Splash Corset + Patchwork (Black Splash)

Ginger Tobiano Rapunzel + Wulf, Patchwork (Flaxen Chestnut)
20 results found.