Design Guide

Champagne (Uncommon)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ Ch_
  • Skin: Pink or Grey-Pink, may have darker freckling
  • Eyes: Green/Hazel | Detail Guide
  • Coat is light cream/gold, even in tone across the body.  Similar to Palomino, but with lighter skin and eyes.
  • Mane and tail is pale cream or white.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ Ch_
  • Skin: Pink or Grey-Pink, may have darker freckling
  • Eyes: Green/Hazel | Detail Guide
  • Body is diluted to a brownish-cream, almost peach color.
  • Legs and mane/tail are a darker brown color, again with a slightly peachy tint.

  • Genetics: E_ aa Ch_
  • Skin: Pink or Grey-Pink, may have darker freckling
  • Eyes: Green/Hazel | Detail Guide
  • Coat is a desaturated greyish-brown. Should not be too desaturated, nor be too brown/red. May have a very slight purple hue.
  • Legs and mane/tail should be a few shades darker than the body.

Single Cream (Uncommon)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ nCr
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Brown | Detail Guide
  • Body should fall within a cream/gold range, and not overly saturated.
  • Mane and tail should be very light cream or white.
  • Does not have dark points on the legs.​
  • When Dun is added, the Phenotype is changed to "Dunalino" instead of "Palomino Dun".
  • Variation - Isabella Palomino: Body becomes pale cream instead of darker gold. Skin should remain in normal range. Mane/tail always lighter than body.
  • Variation - Chocolate Palomino: Turns the coat chocolatey-brown with lighter blending in the "soft spots." Mane/tail should not be darkened; same as normal.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ nCr
  • Skin: Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Brown | Detail Guide
  • Body should fall within a cream/gold range, and not overly saturated.
  • Mane and tail should be black.
  • Legs should be black to cover the knee/hock, blended where they meet the rest of the coat.
  • When Dun is added, the Phenotype is changed to "Dunskin" instead of "Buckskin Dun".
  • Variation - Buttermilk Buckskin: Lightens the body to a pale cream shade. Does not dilute the mane/tail or legs.

  • Genetics: E_ aa nCr
  • Skin: Dark Grey; matches coat when coat is non-faded
  • Eyes: Brown | Detail Guide
  • Smoky Black presents in the same manner as normal Black, due to single cream having no impact on black pigment. It can still be faded, however, and many in the HARPG community choose to lean toward this lighter presentation to set it apart.
  • ​Comes in a variety of exact shades, but should overall read as "black" at a glance.
  • Coat can be slightly brown/red or even blue/purple in hue, depending on shade and fading.
  • Mane/tail should match the coat color. No visible dark points on the legs.​

Pearl (Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ prlprl
  • Skin: Pink or Medium Grey-Pink
  • Eyes: Green/Hazel | Detail Guide
  • Lightens the coat to a creamy/gold shade, with mane and tail light cream or white.
  • Tends to be a little darker than Gold Champagne, with a slightly warmer tone.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ prlprl
  • Skin: Pink or Medium Grey-Pink
  • Eyes: Green/Hazel | Detail Guide
  • Lightens the coat to a creamy/gold shade, with legs and mane/tail a darker brown color.
  • Tends to be a little darker than Amber Champagne, with a slightly warmer/muted tone.

  • Genetics: E_ aa prlprl
  • Skin: Pink or Medium Grey-Pink
  • Eyes: Green/Hazel | Detail Guide
  • Lightens the coat to a greyish-brown, with legs and mane/tail slightly darker.
  • Tends to be a little darker than Classic Champagne, with a slightly warmer tone.

Double Cream (Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ CrCr
  • Skin: Pink
  • Eyes: Blue | Detail Guide
  • Light cream body; should not be white, but should be very pale. 
  • Mane/tail are either lighter/white or the same color as the body.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ CrCr
  • Skin: Pink
  • Eyes: Blue | Detail Guide
  • Light cream body; should not be white, but should be very pale. Same range as Cremello.
  • Mane/tail are a slightly darker, reddish-orange shade. Should not be very saturated.
  • Legs are often slightly lighter and less saturated than the mane/tail.

  • Genetics: E_ aa CrCr
  • Skin: Pink
  • Eyes: Blue | Detail Guide
  • Light cream body; should not be white, but should be very pale. 
  • Mane/tail are either slightly darker or the same color as the body.
  • Should appear similar to Cremello, but a little darker/more "burnt" shade.

Fraiche (Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ Fr_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Gold-Yellow, Yellow-Green, or Blue | Detail Guide
  • Causes a golden/orange coat; somewhat similar to Gold Pearl, but darker/more saturated.
  • Should have noticeable countershading on the topline and knees/hocks.
  • Tail should be slightly lighter than the topline.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ Fr_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Gold-Yellow, Yellow-Green, or Blue | Detail Guide
  • Causes a desaturated light/medium-brown coat.
  • Should have blended tan pigment around the muzzle, eyes, groin, and coronets.
  • Should have noticeable darker countershading along the back.
  • Legs and tail should be a darker grey-brown, except for the coronets (tan).

  • Genetics: E_ aa Fr_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Gold-Yellow, Yellow-Green, or Blue | Detail Guide
  • Causes a blueish-grey coat with lightened coronets.
  • Mane and tail should be slightly lighter than the base.
  • Should not be overly saturated, but will be a little bit bluer than other coats.

Plum (Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ plmplm
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Gold-Yellow, Purple, or Brown | Detail Guide
  • Similar to normal Chestnut, but with a reddish-purple tint.
  • Causes lightening around the eyes, muzzle, withers, groin, coronets, and hindquarters.
  • Mane/tail should be darker than the back on all three of these bases.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ plmplm
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Gold-Yellow, Purple, or Brown | Detail Guide
  • Similar to normal Bay, but with a reddish-purple tint.
  • Causes lightening around the eyes, muzzle, withers, groin, coronets, and hindquarters.
  • Mane/tail should be darker than the back on all three of these bases.
  • Exhibits dark points up to the knee/hock, matching the mane/tail.

  • Genetics: E_ aa plmplm
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Gold-Yellow, Purple, or Brown | Detail Guide
  • Similar to normal Black, but with a reddish-purple tint.
  • Causes lightening around the eyes, muzzle, withers, groin, coronets, and hindquarters.
  • Mane/tail should be darker than the back on all three of these bases.

Berry (Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ Br_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Blue or Purple | Detail Guide
  • Body and topline is a soft purple tone, with reddish undertones around the face, chest, and belly.
  • Legs are slightly darker purple, with light blending around the coronets/pasterns.
  • Tail should be reddish on top and light purple at the tips.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ Br_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Blue or Purple | Detail Guide
  • Body and topline is a darker purple, with reddish undertones around the face, chest, and belly.
  • Legs should have dark grey/near-black points up to the knee/hock.
  • Tail should be the same color as the legs on top and blend out to blue OR reddish/purple at the tips.

  • Genetics: E_ aa Br_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Blue or Purple | Detail Guide
  • Body is blue-grey, with a darker topline and lighter undertones around the face, chest, and belly.
  • Blended darkening around the coronets/pasterns.
  • Tail should be the same color as the topline on top and fade to lighter blue.

Walnut (Ultra Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ prlprl Wal_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Brown - natural | Detail Guide
  • Medium shade on the body and head, with a lighter topline.
  • Significantly lightened around the muzzle/neck/belly/hindquarters.
  • Legs have darker points up to the knee/hock.
  • Mane/tail are lighter than the body.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ prlprl Wal_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Brown - natural | Detail Guide
  • Medium shade on the body and head, with a lighter topline.
  • Significantly lightened around the muzzle/neck/belly/hindquarters.
  • Legs have darker points up to the knee/hock.
  • Mane/tail are lighter than the body.

  • Genetics: E_ aa prlprl Wal_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Brown - natural | Detail Guide
  • Medium shade on the body and head, with a lighter topline.
  • Significantly lightened around the muzzle/neck/belly/hindquarters.
  • Legs have darker points up to the knee/hock.
  • Mane/tail are lighter than the body.

Cream Champagne (Ultra Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ Cr_ Ch_
  • Skin: Pink​, may have darker freckling
  • Eyes: Light Blue or Light Green/Hazel | Detail Guide
  • Body is a pale cream color, similar to the Double Cream coats.
  • Mane/tail should be white/lighter than the body.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ Cr_ Ch_
  • Skin: Pink​, may have darker freckling
  • Eyes: Light Blue or Light Green/Hazel | Detail Guide
  • Body is a pale cream color, similar to the Double Cream coats.
  • Legs should have light, desaturated points up to the knees/hocks, with a slightly reddish-orange tint.
  • Mane/tail should be the same color as or slightly darker/more saturated than the legs.

  • Genetics: E_ aa Cr_ Ch_
  • Skin: Pink​, may have darker freckling
  • Eyes: Light Blue or Light Green/Hazel | Detail Guide
  • Body is a pale cream color, similar to the Double Cream coats.
  • Legs should have light, desaturated grey-brown points up to the knees/hocks.
  • Mane/tail should be the same color as the legs.

Cream Pearl (Ultra Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ Crprl
  • Skin: Pink​
  • Eyes: Light Blue or Light Green/Hazel | Detail Guide
  • Very similar to its Cream Champagne counterpart, but just slightly darker.
  • Body is a pale cream color.
  • Mane/tail should be white/lighter than the body.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ Crprl
  • Skin: Pink​
  • Eyes: Light Blue or Light Green/Hazel | Detail Guide
  • Very similar to its Cream Champagne counterpart, but just slightly darker.
  • Body is a pale cream color.
  • Legs should have light, desaturated points up to the knees/hocks, with a slightly tan tint.
  • Mane/tail should be the same color as or slightly darker/more saturated than the legs.

  • Genetics: E_ aa Crprl
  • Skin: Pink​
  • Eyes: Light Blue or Light Green/Hazel | Detail Guide
  • Very similar to its Cream Champagne counterpart, but just slightly darker.
  • Legs and mane/tail should be only a little darker than the body.

Pearl Champagne (Ultra Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ prlprl Ch_
  • Skin: Pink​ or Light Grey, may have darker freckling
  • Eyes: Light Blue or Light Green/Hazel | Detail Guide
  • Pearl's effect on Champagne basically just dilutes the typical presentation of Champagne even further.
  • Follow the rules of Champagne, but imagine a light, desaturated "filter" on top. They should have lighter colors overall, with subtler differences between mane/tail and leg points.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ prlprl Ch_
  • Skin: Pink​ or Light Grey, may have darker freckling
  • Eyes: Light Blue or Light Green/Hazel | Detail Guide
  • Pearl's effect on Champagne basically just dilutes the typical presentation of Champagne even further.
  • Follow the rules of Champagne, but imagine a light, desaturated "filter" on top. They should have lighter colors overall, with subtler differences between mane/tail and leg points.

  • Genetics: E_ aa prlprl Ch_
  • Skin: Pink​ or Light Grey, may have darker freckling
  • Eyes: Light Blue or Light Green/Hazel | Detail Guide
  • Pearl's effect on Champagne basically just dilutes the typical presentation of Champagne even further.
  • Follow the rules of Champagne, but imagine a light, desaturated "filter" on top. They should have lighter colors overall, with subtler differences between mane/tail and leg points.

Fraiche Cream (Ultra Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ FrCr
  • Skin: Pink or Grey-Pink
  • Eyes: Any Fraiche color | Detail Guide
  • Body is light desaturated color with a subtle cream, brown, or blue tint depending on base.
  • Blended lightening of the underside of the horse (neck/throat, belly, hindquarters) and pasterns/coronets.
  • Tail should be lighter than the topline countershading, but not quite as light as the undersides.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ FrCr
  • Skin: Pink or Grey-Pink
  • Eyes: Any Fraiche color | Detail Guide
  • Body is light desaturated color with a subtle cream, brown, or blue tint depending on base.
  • Blended lightening of the underside of the horse (neck/throat, belly, hindquarters) and pasterns/coronets.
  • Tail should be lighter than the topline countershading, but not quite as light as the undersides.

  • Genetics: E_ aa FrCr
  • Skin: Pink or Grey-Pink
  • Eyes: Any Fraiche color | Detail Guide
  • Body is light desaturated color with a subtle cream, brown, or blue tint depending on base.
  • Blended lightening of the underside of the horse (neck/throat, belly, hindquarters) and pasterns/coronets.
  • Tail should be lighter than the topline countershading, but not quite as light as the undersides.

Fraiche Pearl (Ultra Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ Frprl
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Fraiche or Pearl color | Detail Guide
  • Base color is a light, creamy orange-tinted color.
  • Darkening on the topline and knees/hocks, lightening on the coronets/pasterns.
  • Tail should be lighter than the back.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ Frprl
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Fraiche or Pearl color | Detail Guide
  • Base coat should be a light grey-tan color.
  • Should have darkening on the back, legs, and forehead.
  • Lightening around the eyes, muzzle, groin, and pasterns/coronets.
  • Tail should match the darkened leg points.

  • Genetics: E_ aa Frprl
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Fraiche or Pearl color | Detail Guide
  • Base coat is a light blue-grey, with slightly darker countershading on the back.
  • Cream/tan color is blended out from the belly, throat/neck, chest, hindquarters, and coronets/pasterns.
  • Tail should be a bit lighter than the body.

Fraiche Champagne (Ultra Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ Fr_ Ch_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Fraiche or Champagne color | Detail Guide
  • Body is light, with a slight orange, brown, or blue tint depending on the base.
  • Face and legs are blended in a darker shade of the overall tint, creating a mask and blended socks.
  • Leg coloration should stop below the knee/hock.
  • Tail should be light on top and match legs/face on bottom.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ Fr_ Ch_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Fraiche or Champagne color | Detail Guide
  • Body is light, with a slight orange, brown, or blue tint depending on the base.
  • Face and legs are blended in a darker shade of the overall tint, creating a mask and blended socks.
  • Leg coloration should stop below the knee/hock.
  • Tail should be light on top and match legs/face on bottom.

  • Genetics: E_ aa Fr_ Ch_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Fraiche or Champagne color | Detail Guide
  • Body is light, with a slight orange, brown, or blue tint depending on the base.
  • Face and legs are blended in a darker shade of the overall tint, creating a mask and blended socks.
  • Leg coloration should stop below the knee/hock.
  • Tail should be light on top and match legs/face on bottom.

Cream Plum (Ultra Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ Crplm
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Plum color | Detail Guide
  • Tan-yellow body, with lightening around the eyes, muzzle, withers, groin, coronets/pasterns, and hindquarters.
  • Mane/tail should be lighter than the back.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ Crplm
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Plum color | Detail Guide
  • Tan-yellow body, with red darkening around the eyes, muzzle, withers, groin, coronets/pasterns, and hindquarters.
  • Leg points should be a darker reddish color up to the knees/hocks.
  • Mane/tail should match the legs.

  • Genetics: E_ aa Crplm
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Plum color | Detail Guide
  • Reddish-brown body, with cream-colored lightening around the eyes, muzzle, withers, groin, coronets/pasterns, and hindquarters.
  • Mane/tail should be the same color as or slightly darker than the back.

Pearl Plum (Ultra Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ prlplm
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Pearl or Plum color | Detail Guide
  • ​Causes a reddish-purple tint to the coat (lighter than base Plum).
  • Lighter pigment around the eyes, muzzle, withers, groin, coronets, and hindquarters.
  • Legs should have darkened points up to the knee/hock.
  • Mane/tail should be lighter than the back. 

  • Genetics: E_ A_ prlplm
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Pearl or Plum color | Detail Guide
  • ​Causes a reddish-purple tint to the coat (lighter than base Plum).
  • Lighter pigment around the eyes, muzzle, withers, groin, coronets, and hindquarters.
  • Legs should have darkened points up to the knee/hock.
  • Mane/tail should be lighter than the back. 

  • Genetics: E_ aa prlplm
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Pearl or Plum color | Detail Guide
  • ​Causes a reddish-purple tint to the coat (lighter than base Plum).
  • Reddish pigment around the eyes, muzzle, withers, groin, coronets, and hindquarters.
  • Mane/tail should be lighter than the back. 

Fraiche Plum (Ultra Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ Frplm
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Fraiche or Plum color | Detail Guide
  • Dark base color with pale lightening along the topline.
  • Subtler lightening on the bridge of the nose and coronets/pasterns.
  • Mane/tail is a medium shade on top and blends out lighter at the bottom.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ Frplm
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Fraiche or Plum color | Detail Guide
  • Dark base color with pale lightening along the topline.
  • Subtler lightening on the bridge of the nose and coronets/pasterns.
  • Mane/tail is a medium shade on top and blends out lighter at the bottom.

  • Genetics: E_ aa Frplm
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Fraiche or Plum color | Detail Guide
  • Dark base color with pale lightening along the topline.
  • Subtler lightening on the bridge of the nose and coronets/pasterns.
  • Mane/tail is a medium shade on top and blends out lighter at the bottom.

Berry Champagne (Ultra Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ Br_ Ch_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Berry or Champagne color | Detail Guide
  • Body is one main shade, with countershading on topline.
  • Slightly cream-tinted lightening on underside and pasterns.
  • Knees and hocks may be slightly darkened.
  • Mane and tail should roughly match topline on top and body/pasterns on bottom.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ Br_ Ch_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Berry or Champagne color | Detail Guide
  • Body is one main shade, with countershading on topline.
  • Slightly cream-tinted lightening on underside and pasterns.
  • Knees and hocks may be significantly darkened.
  • Mane and tail should roughly match topline on top and body/pasterns on bottom.

  • Genetics: E_ aa Br_ Ch_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Berry or Champagne color | Detail Guide
  • Body is one main shade, with countershading on topline.
  • Slightly cream-tinted lightening on underside and pasterns.
  • Knees and hocks may be significantly darkened.
  • Mane and tail should roughly match topline on top and body/pasterns on bottom.

Berry Fraiche (Ultra Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ Fr_ Br_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Berry or Fraiche color | Detail Guide
  • Body is one main shade, fairly saturated and dark (not crayon/neon).
  • Lightening on underside (particularly neck/chest and groin), behind ears, muzzle/eyes, and pasterns.
  • Darkened countershading/points on topline and legs.
  • Mane and tail should roughly match topline on top and body/pasterns on bottom.
  • Often exhibits dappling, particularly at the front half of the barrel, but this is optional.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ Fr_ Br_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Berry or Fraiche color | Detail Guide
  • Body is one main shade, fairly saturated and dark (not crayon/neon).
  • Lightening on underside (particularly neck/chest and groin), behind ears, muzzle/eyes, and pasterns.
  • Darkened countershading/points on topline and legs.
  • Mane and tail should roughly match topline on top and body/pasterns on bottom.
  • Often exhibits dappling, particularly at the front half of the barrel, but this is optional.

  • Genetics: E_ aa Fr_ Br_
  • Skin: Medium/Dark Grey
  • Eyes: Any Berry or Fraiche color | Detail Guide
  • Body is one main shade, fairly saturated and dark (not crayon/neon).
  • Lightening on underside (particularly neck/chest and groin), behind ears, muzzle/eyes, and pasterns.
  • Darkened countershading/points on topline and legs.
  • Mane and tail should roughly match topline on top and body/pasterns on bottom.
  • Often exhibits dappling, particularly at the front half of the barrel, but this is optional.

Champagne Plum (Ultra Rare)

Category: Coat Colors

  • Genetics: ee __ Ch_ plmplm
  • Skin: Pink
  • Eyes: Any Champagne or Plum color | Detail Guide
  • Causes a diluted light tint to the coat (lighter than Pearl Plum), somewhat peachy in hue.
  • Lightening around the eyes, muzzle, withers, groin, coronets, and hindquarters.
  • Legs should have subtle darkened points up to the knee/hock. 
  • Tail should be light.

  • Genetics: E_ A_ Ch_ plmplm
  • Skin: Pink
  • Eyes: Any Champagne or Plum color | Detail Guide
  • Causes a diluted light tint to the coat (lighter than Pearl Plum), somewhat peachy in hue.
  • Lightening around the eyes, muzzle, withers, groin, coronets, and hindquarters.
  • Legs should have subtle darkened points up to the knee/hock. 
  • Tail should be the same color as the points.

  • Genetics: E_ aa Ch_ plmplm
  • Skin: Pink
  • Eyes: Any Champagne or Plum color | Detail Guide
  • Causes a diluted light tint to the coat (lighter than Pearl Plum), somewhat peachy in hue.
  • Lightening around the eyes, muzzle, withers, groin, coronets, and hindquarters.
  • Legs should have subtle darkened points up to the knee/hock. 
  • Tail should be the same color as the points.
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