
<a href="" class="display-item">Snowglobe</a>


Category: Seasonal


Adds Snowflake Appaloosa, Snowcap Appaloosa, Snowfall, Vitiligo, or Birdcatcher Spots to an undesigned import, or undesigned foal if possible from parents.

​Limit 1 use per horse.

✨ Genetics Lab item, subject to limit.


Used in Genetics Lab

Add the following form in the "Comments" box:

Horse Link:
Gene/Oddity: (Snowflake Appaloosa, Snowcap Appaloosa, Snowfall, Vitiligo, or Birdcatcher Spots)
Option #: (which option of the roll to apply to)
<a href="" class="display-item">Peppermint</a>


Category: Seasonal


Grants a +2xp boost to any designed horse, without the need for art or literature.


Used in Item Use

Add the following form in the "Comments" box:

Horse Link:
Peppermint (+2 xp)
<a href="" class="display-item">Wrapping Paper</a>

Wrapping Paper

Category: Seasonal

Resale Value: 10 Coins

Item Details

Doubles the art/lit xp earned from a single gift submission. Only applies to the actual art/lit values, does not stack with xp items such as Olive Branch, Promise Rings, etc.

May apply to up to 25xp. For example, if your submission is worth 30xp, it will only double 25xp, for a grand total of 55xp (25 x 2 = 50, + 5).

If multiple horses are present in the piece, Wrapping Paper may be split however you'd like as long as it is not adding more than the maximum 25xp possible.

Coins are then calculated as normal after the total xp is calculated.

This item cannot be transferred to other users.

How to Use

Used in Art & Literature

Mention "Using Metal Detector" in the Comments box in your queue submission.

In the breakdown, list your art/lit xp, then Wrapping Paper, then any additional bonuses. This helps make it clear that WP is not doubling non-art/lit points (such as Olive Branch, etc).

<a href="" class="display-item">Common Mystery Token</a>

Common Mystery Token

Category: Tokens

Resale Value: 375 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop


Grants an import with the following specifications, rolled by staff:

  • Random Common base coat
  • 50% chance of a random Common natural gene
  • 5% chance of a random Mutation/Oddity

Gives two options to pick from.


Used in Import Orders

List this item on the "Payment" line when ordering.

<a href="" class="display-item">Uncommon Mystery Token</a>

Uncommon Mystery Token

Category: Tokens

Resale Value: 625 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop


Grants an import with the following specifications, rolled by staff:

  • Random Uncommon base coat
  • 50% chance of a random Uncommon natural gene
  • 50% chance of a random Common or Uncommon natural gene
  • 5% chance of a random Mutation/Oddity

Gives two options to pick from.


Used in Import Orders

List this item on the "Payment" line when ordering.

<a href="" class="display-item">Rare Mystery Token</a>

Rare Mystery Token

Category: Tokens

Resale Value: 1000 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop


Grants an import with the following specifications, rolled by staff:

  • Random Rare base coat
  • 50% chance of a random Rare natural gene
  • 50% chance of a random Common or Uncommon natural gene
  • 5% chance of a random Mutation/Oddity

Gives two options to pick from.


Used in Import Orders

List this item on the "Payment" line when ordering.

<a href="" class="display-item">Common Custom Token</a>

Common Custom Token

Category: Tokens

Resale Value: 625 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop


Grants an import with the following specifications, chosen by you:

  • Common base coat
  • Up to 1 Common natural gene

Can be rolled as a mystery token of the same rarity instead if desired.


Used in Import Orders

List this item on the "Payment" line when ordering.

<a href="" class="display-item">Uncommon Custom Token</a>

Uncommon Custom Token

Category: Tokens

Resale Value: 875 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop


Grants an import with the following specifications, chosen by you:

  • Uncommon or Common base coat
  • Up to 2 Uncommon or Common natural genes

Can be rolled as a mystery token of the same rarity instead if desired.


Used in Import Orders

List this item on the "Payment" line when ordering.

<a href="" class="display-item">Rare Custom Token</a>

Rare Custom Token

Category: Tokens

Resale Value: 1250 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop


Grants an import with the following specifications, chosen by you:

  • Rare, Uncommon, or Common base coat
  • Up to 1 Rare, Uncommon, or Common natural gene
  • Up to 2 Uncommon or Common natural genes

Can be rolled as a mystery token of the same rarity instead if desired.


Used in Import Orders

List this item on the "Payment" line when ordering.

<a href="" class="display-item">Ultra Rare Custom Token</a>

Ultra Rare Custom Token

Category: Tokens


Grants an import with the following specifications, chosen by you:

  • Value of up to $75 on the Gene Form, allowing coats up to Ultra Rare
  • Any natural genes, mutations, and oddities (excl. out-of-season seasonals) up to this total amount

⭐ SPECIAL EVENTS ONLY - this item is not claimable as a prize/reward item unless specified.


Used in Import Orders

List this item on the "Payment" line when ordering.

<a href="" class="display-item">Legendary Custom Token</a>

Legendary Custom Token

Category: Tokens


Grants an import with the following specifications, chosen by you:

  • Value of up to $100 on the Gene Form, allowing coats up to Legendary
  • Any natural genes, mutations, and oddities (excl. out-of-season seasonals) up to this total amount

⭐ SPECIAL EVENTS ONLY - this item is not claimable as a prize/reward item unless specified.


Used in Import Orders

List this item on the "Payment" line when ordering.

<a href="" class="display-item">Oddity Token</a>

Oddity Token

Category: Tokens

Resale Value: 500 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop


Adds an Oddity of your choice to an undesigned foal or import. ​Number of tokens necessary depends on the oddity's rarity.

  • 1 = Common
  • 2 = Uncommon
  • 3 = Rare

This item is not subject to the Genetics Lab limit, even when it's used there. It is, however, capped by the Oddity limit of 3 (unless Rainbow Fan is used) on both imports and foals.


Used in Import Orders or Genetics Lab

For Import Orders, list this item on the "Payment" line when ordering.

For Genetics Lab, add the following form in the "Comments" box:

Horse Link:
x(#) Oddity Token
Option #: (which option of the roll to apply to)
<a href="" class="display-item">Mutation Token</a>

Mutation Token

Category: Tokens

Resale Value: 750 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop


Adds a Mutation of your choice to an undesigned foal or import. ​On foals, it must be genetically possible from the parents.

Number of tokens necessary depends on the mutation's rarity.

  • 1 = Common
  • 2 = Uncommon
  • 3 = Rare

This item is not subject to the Genetics Lab limit, even when it's used there. It is, however, capped by the Mutation limit of 3 (unless Rainbow Fan is used) on imports. No limit on foals, as they are restricted by genetics.


Used in Import Orders or Genetics Lab

For Import Orders, list this item on the "Payment" line when ordering.

For Genetics Lab, add the following form in the "Comments" box:

Horse Link:
x(#) Mutation Token
Option #: (which option of the roll to apply to)
<a href="" class="display-item">Valentine's Halter</a>

Valentine's Halter

Category: Accessories

Resale Value: 250 Coins


All files can be found here: 

Please ensure you are using the correct version, and only using these if you have the item!

These accessories are cosmetic items applied to your horse's official design. They do not have any official impact besides being a fun way to decorate the design!

Accessories can only be applied to the corresponding base. Most are for the official main base, though some may be for the bbin/makeover base or other one-offs. If your horse is on a non-matching base, it cannot have that accessory. If your horse is on an outdated base, feel free to update it to the newest official base via Base Transfer.


Follow instructions below for existing horses, or apply in Design Queue at time of original submission.

  1. Download/open your horse's design
  2. Download/open the correct halter file from
  3. Change the halter file's resolution to match design's
  4. Copy and paste halter on to design file
  5. Submit via "Update Design" on your horse's profile
<a href="" class="display-item">Shamrock Halter</a>

Shamrock Halter

Category: Accessories

Resale Value: 250 Coins


All files can be found here: 

Please ensure you are using the correct version, and only using these if you have the item!

These accessories are cosmetic items applied to your horse's official design. They do not have any official impact besides being a fun way to decorate the design!

Accessories can only be applied to the corresponding base. Most are for the official main base, though some may be for the bbin/makeover base or other one-offs. If your horse is on a non-matching base, it cannot have that accessory. If your horse is on an outdated base, feel free to update it to the newest official base via Base Transfer.


Follow instructions below for existing horses, or apply in Design Queue at time of original submission.

  1. Download/open your horse's design
  2. Download/open the correct halter file from
  3. Change the halter file's resolution to match design's
  4. Copy and paste halter on to design file
  5. Submit via "Update Design" on your horse's profile
<a href="" class="display-item">Pride Month Halter</a>

Pride Month Halter

Category: Accessories

Resale Value: 250 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop


All files can be found here: 

Please ensure you are using the correct version, and only using these if you have the item!

These accessories are cosmetic items applied to your horse's official design. They do not have any official impact besides being a fun way to decorate the design!

Accessories can only be applied to the corresponding base. Most are for the official main base, though some may be for the bbin/makeover base or other one-offs. If your horse is on a non-matching base, it cannot have that accessory. If your horse is on an outdated base, feel free to update it to the newest official base via Base Transfer.


Follow instructions below for existing horses, or apply in Design Queue at time of original submission.

  1. Download/open your horse's design
  2. Download/open the correct halter file from
  3. Change the halter file's resolution to match design's
  4. Copy and paste halter on to design file
  5. Submit via "Update Design" on your horse's profile
<a href="" class="display-item">Halloween Halter</a>

Halloween Halter

Category: Accessories

Resale Value: 250 Coins


All files can be found here: 

Please ensure you are using the correct version, and only using these if you have the item!

These accessories are cosmetic items applied to your horse's official design. They do not have any official impact besides being a fun way to decorate the design!

Accessories can only be applied to the corresponding base. Most are for the official main base, though some may be for the bbin/makeover base or other one-offs. If your horse is on a non-matching base, it cannot have that accessory. If your horse is on an outdated base, feel free to update it to the newest official base via Base Transfer.


Follow instructions below for existing horses, or apply in Design Queue at time of original submission.

  1. Download/open your horse's design
  2. Download/open the correct halter file from
  3. Change the halter file's resolution to match design's
  4. Copy and paste halter on to design file
  5. Submit via "Update Design" on your horse's profile
<a href="" class="display-item">Rope Halter</a>

Rope Halter

Category: Accessories


All files can be found here: 

Please ensure you are using the correct version, and only using these if you have the item!

These accessories are cosmetic items applied to your horse's official design. They do not have any official impact besides being a fun way to decorate the design!

Accessories can only be applied to the corresponding base. Most are for the official main base, though some may be for the bbin/makeover base or other one-offs. If your horse is on a non-matching base, it cannot have that accessory. If your horse is on an outdated base, feel free to update it to the newest official base via Base Transfer.

⭐ SPECIAL EVENTS ONLY - this item is not claimable as a prize/reward item unless specified.


Follow instructions below for existing horses, or apply in Design Queue at time of original submission.

  1. Download/open your horse's design
  2. Download/open the correct halter file from
  3. Change the halter file's resolution to match design's
  4. Copy and paste halter on to design file
  5. Submit via "Update Design" on your horse's profile
<a href="" class="display-item">Snowflake Halter</a>

Snowflake Halter

Category: Accessories


All files can be found here: 

Please ensure you are using the correct version, and only using these if you have the item!

These accessories are cosmetic items applied to your horse's official design. They do not have any official impact besides being a fun way to decorate the design!

Accessories can only be applied to the corresponding base. Most are for the official main base, though some may be for the bbin/makeover base or other one-offs. If your horse is on a non-matching base, it cannot have that accessory. If your horse is on an outdated base, feel free to update it to the newest official base via Base Transfer.

⭐ SPECIAL EVENTS ONLY - this item is not claimable as a prize/reward item unless specified.


Follow instructions below for existing horses, or apply in Design Queue at time of original submission.

  1. Download/open your horse's design
  2. Download/open the correct halter file from
  3. Change the halter file's resolution to match design's
  4. Copy and paste halter on to design file
  5. Submit via "Update Design" on your horse's profile
<a href="" class="display-item">Christmas Halter</a>

Christmas Halter

Category: Accessories

Resale Value: 250 Coins


All files can be found here: 

Please ensure you are using the correct version, and only using these if you have the item!

These accessories are cosmetic items applied to your horse's official design. They do not have any official impact besides being a fun way to decorate the design!

Accessories can only be applied to the corresponding base. Most are for the official main base, though some may be for the bbin/makeover base or other one-offs. If your horse is on a non-matching base, it cannot have that accessory. If your horse is on an outdated base, feel free to update it to the newest official base via Base Transfer.


Follow instructions below for existing horses, or apply in Design Queue at time of original submission.

  1. Download/open your horse's design
  2. Download/open the correct halter file from
  3. Change the halter file's resolution to match design's
  4. Copy and paste halter on to design file
  5. Submit via "Update Design" on your horse's profile
129 results found.