
<a href="" class="display-item">Magic Dice</a>

Magic Dice

Category: Rare

Resale Value: 500 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Rerolls a breeding or mystery import, including any applicable items. Roll-based items such as Test Tube, Fertility Wand, etc are rerolled and may succeed or fail. Original roll is voided; you cannot change your mind and use one of the first options.

Twin and oddity chances are also rerolled. When using Magic Dice on twins, it is possible to end up with only one foal afterward. Do this at your own risk!

Genetics Lab limit will be reset if edits were made (items are not refunded). Cannot be used if one twin belongs to someone else.

Limit 1 per breeding/horse.

How to Use

Used in Item Use

Add the following form in the "Comments" box. Please be sure to link the original submission rather than just the geno so we know what type of token to roll it as, any items that were used, if it was a twin, etc!

Original Submission Link: (link to original Import Order or Breeding Roll request)
 Magic Dice
<a href="" class="display-item">Fertility Wand</a>

Fertility Wand

Category: Rare

Resale Value: 500 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Increases the chance of rolling twins to 75% for a breeding.

Does not stack with other twin chance increases. For example, combining with Shamrock Shake will still default to 75%, not combine to 100% guaranteed.

How to Use

Used in Breeding Rolls

Add to "Items" section; no further details required.

<a href="" class="display-item">Propeller Hat</a>

Propeller Hat

Category: Rare

Resale Value: 500 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Splits an undesigned foal's geno options into a pair of twins instead. Will only create two foals at maximum; cannot be used on rolls that are already twins, and cannot be used to make triplets.

If used on a Third Wheel roll, you must choose which two options to make into twins. The third option is discarded.

Not usable on imports.

How to Use

Used in Item Use

Add the following form in the "Comments" box (specify which two options if Third Wheel was used):

Breeding Link: (link to originally Breeding Rolls submission)
Propeller Hat
<a href="" class="display-item">Geode</a>


Category: Rare

Resale Value: 500 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Adds the Gemstone oddity to one option on an undesigned foal or import.

Oddity Token still works too, this is just an alternate item for the Gemstone oddity.

✨ Genetics Lab item, subject to limit.

How to Use

Used in Genetics Lab

Add the following form in the "Comments" box:

Horse Link:
Geode (adding Gemstone)
Option #: (which option of the roll to apply to)
<a href="" class="display-item">Third Wheel</a>

Third Wheel

Category: Rare

Resale Value: 500 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Provides a third option to choose from in a breeding, instead of just two. Does not create an extra foal, just an extra choice.

Will not apply to the second twin if rolled.

How to Use

Used in Breeding Rolls

Add to "Items" section; no further details required.

<a href="" class="display-item">Golden Apple</a>

Golden Apple

Category: Rare

Resale Value: 500 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

x1 Golden Apple: Grants a breeding to any Common or Uncommon Mutation group horse.

x2 Golden Apples: Grants a breeding to any Rare Mutation group horse.

Group Horses may be bred to any other unrelated horse, including other Group Horses if multiple items are used.

How to Use

Used in Breeding Rolls

Chosen group horse is added/used just as you would with a normal breeding.

<a href="" class="display-item">Mirror</a>


Category: Rare

Resale Value: 500 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Passes an oddity from parent to foal in a breeding, without needing to be rolled randomly.

​Chimera and Patchwork will be rolled for color on the foal; will not automatically match the parent.

TWINS: To apply to twins, you must use multiple of this item. Please note that all items will still be taken even if twins are not rolled, so do this at your own risk.

How to Use

Used in Breeding Rolls

Add the following form in the "Comments" box:

Item: Mirror
Parent: (Sire or Dam; which one it's passing from)
<a href="" class="display-item">White-Out</a>


Category: Rare

Resale Value: 500 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Causes all of the following white patterns to pass (heterozygous where possible) in a breeding if present: Tobiano, Splash. Sabino, Overo, Dominant White, Rabicano.

If any of these are not present from the parents, they will simply be excluded.

TWINS: To apply to twins, you must use multiple of this item. Please note that all items will still be taken even if twins are not rolled, so do this at your own risk.

How to Use

Used in Breeding Rolls

Add to "Items" section; no further details required.

<a href="" class="display-item">Olive Branch</a>

Olive Branch

Category: Rare

Resale Value: 500 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Permanently applied to a single horse.

When depicted interacting with another Loshenka, grants +2 xp to itself and one other horse. Both must be featured as non-simple fullbody (9xp) or 900 word story, minimum.

​Must be clearly interacting, not just on the same canvas or in the same story.

How to Use

Used in Item Use

Add the following form in the "Comments" box:

Horse Link: 
Olive Branch

To redeem the bonus on a submission, include it in the XP Breakdown, labeled as "Olive Branch (Self)" and "Olive Branch ([ID of horse with item])".

<a href="" class="display-item">Candelabra</a>


Category: Rare

Resale Value: 500 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Guarantees one mutation allele from a parent in a breeding (i.e. "B from Dam", "rp from Sire", etc).

Foal geno must be possible from parents. For example, DtD x nB cannot produce DtD, even if two Candelabras are used, as each parent can only pass one allele.

TWINS: To apply to twins, you must use multiple of this item. Please note that all items will still be taken even if twins are not rolled, so do this at your own risk.

How to Use

Used in Breeding Rolls

Mention "Candelabra - [allele] from [Sire/Dam]" when submitting your breeding. If multiple, please list separately.

ex: "Candelabra - Dt from Dam"

<a href="" class="display-item">Jackpot</a>


Category: Rare

Resale Value: 500 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Rolls the !slotmachine command (rolled by staff on Discord) and grants an extra slot for a horse you own if you roll 3 Unicorns.

Slot can be booked for anyone, and does not need to be booked immediately; it is just added as an extra to the slot list (i.e. 11 instead of 10, 21 instead of 20, etc).

Limit 3 per horse, whether win or lose.

How to Use

Used in Item Use

Add to "Items" section; no further details required.

11 results found.