
<a href="" class="display-item">Golden Carrot</a>

Golden Carrot

Category: Common

Resale Value: 125 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Grants a breeding to any non-mutation group horse.

Group Horses may be bred to any other unrelated horse, including other Group Horses if multiple items are used.

How to Use

Used in Breeding Rolls

Chosen group horse is added/used just as you would with a normal breeding.

<a href="" class="display-item">Switcheroo</a>


Category: Common

Resale Value: 125 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Swaps the gender of an undesigned roll when submitting a design.

How to Use

Used in Design Queue

Design to reflect the updated gender and change the chosen roll option in the comments.

<a href="" class="display-item">Parchment</a>


Category: Common

Resale Value: 125 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Changes the official registered name of a horse you own.

All changes require Parchment, regardless of how minor they may be. This includes details like prefixes, suffixes, punctuation, capitalization, etc.

This item can be used on any horse with an existing name.

How to Use

Used in Registration or Item Use

Mention "Using Parchment" in the comments, and note the name you'd like to change it to.

<a href="" class="display-item">Old Photograph</a>

Old Photograph

Category: Common

Resale Value: 125 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Adds Grey (nG) to an undesigned horse.

  • Can be added to any import.
  • ​Can be added to a foal if genetically possible from parents.

✨ Genetics Lab item, subject to limit.

How to Use

Used in Genetics Lab

Add the following form in the "Comments" box:

Horse Link:
Old Photograph (nG)
Option #: (which option of the roll to apply to)
<a href="" class="display-item">Sugar Cookie</a>

Sugar Cookie

Category: Common

Resale Value: 125 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Adds Pangare (nP) to an undesigned horse.

  • Can be added to any import.
  • ​Can be added to a foal if genetically possible from parents.

✨ Genetics Lab item, subject to limit.

How to Use

Used in Genetics Lab

Add the following form in the "Comments" box:

Horse Link:
Sugar Cookie (nP)
Option #: (which option of the roll to apply to)
<a href="" class="display-item">Ivory Comb</a>

Ivory Comb

Category: Common

Resale Value: 125 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Adds Silver (nZ) or Flaxen (ff) to an undesigned horse.

  • Can be added to any import.
  • ​Can be added to a foal if genetically possible from parents.

✨ Genetics Lab item, subject to limit.

How to Use

Used in Genetics Lab

Add the following form in the "Comments" box:

Horse Link:
Ivory Comb ([choose nZ or ff])
Option #: (which option of the roll to apply to)
<a href="" class="display-item">Charcoal</a>


Category: Common

Resale Value: 125 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Adds Sooty (nSty) to an undesigned horse.

  • Can be added to any import.
  • ​Can be added to a foal if genetically possible from parents.

✨ Genetics Lab item, subject to limit.

How to Use

Used in Genetics Lab

Add the following form in the "Comments" box:

Horse Link:
Charcoal (nSty)
Option #: (which option of the roll to apply to)
<a href="" class="display-item">Apple Slice</a>

Apple Slice

Category: Common

Resale Value: 125 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Grants a +3xp boost to any designed horse, without the need for art or literature.

How to Use

Used in Item Use

Add the following form in the "Comments" box:

Horse Link:
Apple Slice (+3 xp)
<a href="" class="display-item">Metal Detector</a>

Metal Detector

Category: Common

Resale Value: 125 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Gives a 50% chance of finding 300 coins on a single art/literature submission.

Minimum colored headshot or 300 word story. Chance is rolled by a staff member at time of processing.

How to Use

Used in Art & Literature

Mention "Using Metal Detector" in the Comments box in your queue submission.

<a href="" class="display-item">Sun Pendant</a>

Sun Pendant

Category: Common

Resale Value: 125 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Guarantees that all foal options rolled in a breeding will be male.

Also applies to twins, if rolled (both natural and item-based).

Switcheroo is still usable after the fact if desired, but the initial rolls will be guaranteed male.

How to Use

Used in Breeding Rolls

Add to "Items" section; no further action required.

<a href="" class="display-item">Moon Pendant</a>

Moon Pendant

Category: Common

Resale Value: 125 Coins

Purchased At: Item Shop

Item Details

Guarantees that all foal options rolled in a breeding will be female.

Also applies to twins, if rolled (both natural and item-based).

Switcheroo is still usable after the fact if desired, but the initial rolls will be guaranteed female.

How to Use

Used in Breeding Rolls

Add to "Items" section; no further action required.

11 results found.