<a href="https://www.loshenka.net/world/items/84" class="display-item">Wrapping Paper</a>

Wrapping Paper

Category: Seasonal

Resale Value: 10 Coins

Item Details

Doubles the art/lit xp earned from a single gift submission. Only applies to the actual art/lit values, does not stack with xp items such as Olive Branch, Promise Rings, etc.

May apply to up to 25xp. For example, if your submission is worth 30xp, it will only double 25xp, for a grand total of 55xp (25 x 2 = 50, + 5).

If multiple horses are present in the piece, Wrapping Paper may be split however you'd like as long as it is not adding more than the maximum 25xp possible.

Coins are then calculated as normal after the total xp is calculated.

This item cannot be transferred to other users.

How to Use

Used in Art & Literature

Mention "Using Metal Detector" in the Comments box in your queue submission.

In the breakdown, list your art/lit xp, then Wrapping Paper, then any additional bonuses. This helps make it clear that WP is not doubling non-art/lit points (such as Olive Branch, etc).