<a href="https://www.loshenka.net/world/items/38" class="display-item">Crystal Ball</a>

Crystal Ball

Category: Exclusive

Item Details

Allows you to choose the gender, phenotype, and genotype for a breeding, within any possibility from parents.

Includes mutations but not oddities. May be combined with oddity items such as Mirror, Test Tube, etc. Will not naturally roll for oddities if items are not used.

Breeding will be given as a single option since you'll be choosing everything!

TWINS: To apply to twins, you must use multiple of this item. Please note that all items will still be taken even if twins are not rolled, so do this at your own risk.

How to Use

Used in Breeding Rolls

Add the following form in the "Comments" box:

Item: Crystal Ball
Foal Gender:
Foal Phenotype:

Foal Genotype: