2024 Coastal Carnival

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by paige

2024 Coastal Carnival 🏄

Join us in celebrating summer time at our 2024 Coastal Carnival, a casual rodeo-carnival hybrid event with a variety of fun activities for everyone to enjoy!! The event is held in a sectioned-off area of the beach, bordered on one side by the boardwalk. Various carnival games, food trucks, merchandise vendors, and amusement rides have been set up on that boardwalk, including a giant ferris wheel that overlooks the event.

Please note that this isn't a hardcore western rodeo event, nor a polished horse show. Everything here is hosted for fun and entertainment, and nobody is particularly serious about the competitions going on. All age groups are welcome as long as they participate safely. A select few events and games are featured below as part of the group event, but you're 100% welcome to RP/draw/write your characters doing more stuff at the carnival! As long as it fits the theme/event, feel free to expand. Canonically speaking, there's a lot more going on here than what we're hosting as a group.

⏰ This event ends on August 31st at 11:59pm - click here for a countdown!

Art by zawmbiie


🎡 The Boardwalk - Seasonal Shop

During this event, you'll earn seasonal currency - carnival tickets - which can be used to purchase items from The Boardwalk! This event combines last year's Clover County Carnival and Beachside Bonanza, so we've combined the item selection and will be utilizing carnival tickets this time around! Any leftover seashells from last year can be converted to coins or spent on a Seasonal box at The Boardwalk.

The items available in the shop are as follows:

  • Sunscreen: Adds heterozygous Orchid (nOr) to an undesigned import.
  • Fruit Basket: Adds Plum (nplm) or Berry (nBr) to an undesigned import, only if it would be carried on the existing base.
  • Snowcone: Grants coins for a single piece of art/literature, made by you, of one of your own horses.
  • Freeze Pop: Rerolls a breeding, like Magic Dice/Spellbook, but preserves twins (will not reroll twin chance).
  • Passport: Allows you to apply a seasonal oddity outside of its season - still requires purchase/tokens, just grants permission.
  • Watermelon: Adds Flecked, Grease Spots, or Birdcatcher Spots to an undesigned import or foal.
  • Cotton Candy - Adds +5xp to a horse of your choice without the need for art or literature.
  • Carousel Horse - Allows a Mutation to be added to a designed import with no breeding slots booked.
  • Sticky Hand - Moves a Mutation gene from one option to the other on a single horse's roll (foal or import).
  • Plushie Pony - Adds Rapunzel to any undesigned foal (if possible from parents) or import.
  • Chocolate Coin ​- Grants one additional breeding slot for a horse you own. Slot can be booked for anyone. 


🐳 RNG Minigames

For the very first time, we're testing out fully automated minigames! Instructions can be found on each of their pages, and your winnings will be automatically deposited to your bank. No need to submit item claims or keep track of Discord links - hooray!! Each game can be played 3 times per day. There's a short timer to prevent the button from being spammed, so if you get an error message, just wait a few seconds and try again.

Please let me (Paige) know if any of the games are not working as intended or if your daily plays don't reset at rollover. Have fun!



🏝️ Summer Fling - Breeding Grid

Fifteen lovely Loshenkas are being offered up for your consideration! This breeding grid features three mares and three stallions, paired up for a total of nine surprise foals. While the parents' designs are available to be viewed upfront, the foals will remain hidden until they've found new homes! Until then, you can get a sneak peek from the grid below, as well as their silhouettes... 👀

Click to view fullsize + links to all horses in the grid.

💗 Art Raffle (Adult Mares)
  • Please note that this applies only to the adult mares on the grid (labeled A, B, and C).
  • To enter, simply draw or write about your chosen horse! Minimum simple fullbody or 600 word story.
  • Each participant will be given one ticket in the raffle. Entering with more than the minimum is welcome, but won't give you extra chances!
  • You may enter for multiple horses, but your entries must be posted in separate submissions.
  • Submit your entries to the 2024 Coastal Carnival gallery folder. Raffle tickets will be added by staff once processed.


💗 Coin Auction (Adult Stallions)
  • Please note that this applies only to the adult stallions on the grid (labeled 1, 2, and 3).
  • You may bid in Coins only. All auctions start at 2000 coins. Minimum increase 100 coins.
  • Bids should not be withdrawn once placed. You may bid on multiple horses, but must have the means to pay for all bids placed.
  • To bid, head to the Current Events header on Discord and look for the #summer-fling forum channel.
  • Bidding ends when the latest bid goes unchallenged for 36h.


💗 USD/Point Auction (Foals)
  • Please note that this applies only to the foals on the grid (labeled 1A, 2A, 3A, 1B, 2B, 3B, 1C, 2C, and 3C.
  • You may bid in USD (PayPal) or Points ($1:100). All auctions start at $20 /2k points. Minimum increase $1 / 100 points.
  • Bids should not be withdrawn once placed. You may bid on multiple horses, but must have the means to pay for all bids placed.
  • Full designs will be revealed after purchase. Until then, your only hints are the grid preview and silhouette!
  • To bid, head to the Current Events header on Discord and look for the #summer-fling forum channel.
  • Bidding ends when the latest bid goes unchallenged for 36h.

- The foals here have not been counted toward the parents' slots, so they still have all 10 available.
- Foal genders are up to the buyer - just include this as part of the Registration form when registering them!
- If desired, you may Paintbucket, Base Transfer, etc, but please keep in mind that this means they'll lose their exclusive base.
- Renaming the parents is perfectly fine (with a Parchment item, of course). They just have names for proper listing in their foals' lineage grids!


🎠 Equestrian Events

Event Guidelines:

  • All entries must meet the following minimum requirements (your choice of art or lit - both is fine, too!):
    • Art: Simple fullbody with props/details that clearly depict the event, and handler/rider (silhouette/stick figure min) if required
    • Lit: 600 word story clearly depicting the event in question, and handler/rider present if applicable to the specific event
  • All entries must adhere to the usual Art/Lit Guidelines. Please keep gallery quality in mind even if choosing simple fulls/stick figure handlers/etc.
  • Tack used is up to you, as long as the horse has some form of headstall and is clearly kept under control. Saddles and beach-themed accessories are optional.
  • Though the events are quite chaotic, participants must ride respectfully and take care not to crash into, push/pull, or otherwise cause harm.
  • You may enter each event up to 3 times with different horses (15 entries total). A horse should only be the focal point of an event once, but can be featured in others.
  • Using our Group Horses or borrowing a horse from a friend is fine, as long as you have permission for the latter (none needed for Group ponies!).
  • Collabs are allowed as long as the minimum is met for each participant (i.e. two collaborators = 2 fb+props or 1200w story). Each will get the full amount of tickets.
  • Submit your entries to the 2024 Coastal Carnival gallery folder and include your chosen event in the description.

🎟️ Each entry will receive 5 Carnival Tickets for participating! These will be given when your entry is processed.
These events are just for fun and won't be officially judged, but we may pick a few Staff Choice entries to give extra prizes to.


🎣 Pool Noodle Pick-Up

In this event, a horse and rider pair will start on one end of the makeshift arena containing six evenly-spaced barrels with a pool noodle in each. When the buzzer sounds, they'll race alongside the barrels, picking up as many as possible on their way past before circling around the last barrel and running back toward the starting line. Each dropped or missed pool noodle will count as a time penalty. The pair with the fastest time wins! A rider is required for this event.


🌞 Beachball Blitz

This event is a modified version of Horseball, using a giant beach ball with handles attached. Riders will need to pick up the ball and throw/hit it into the large circular nets on the opposing team's side of the beach. Participants play in teams of five. They can block each other, intercept the ball, and pick it up if dropped, but cannot physically push/pull/grapple each other. The ball must be passed at least three times between team members before a goal can be scored. A rider is required for this event.


⛱️ Obstacle Course

For this event, a number of beach-themed obstacles have been set up for horses to navigate. Handlers may ride or lead their horse through the obstacle course. Obstacles may include small jumps/step-over barriers, entering the water, going through a tunnel/enclosed area, etc. All obstacles should follow the beach theme. You must depict some kind of obstacle/challenge in your entry in order for it to be counted - get creative! A rider must be shown if ridden, optional if leading.


🌊 Water Bucket Relay

In this event, participants will be split into teams. When the buzzer sounds, one person will ride their horse down to the shoreline and fill their bucket with water by either reaching down, wading into the water, or dismounting. After securing the water, they'll get back on and race back uphill to pour it into their team's container. Once poured, they'll pass the bucket to the next teammate to repeat the process. The first team to fill their container up to the top wins! A rider is required for this event.


🕶️ Costume Party

As the sun begins to set, everyone is invited to gather for a costume and pony-painting party! This is less of a formal class and more of an opportunity to meet others, hang out, and get messy! Horse-safe paint is available to decorate your ponies with silly doodles, handprints, and autographs, and visitors are also encouraged to dress themselves and their equine buddies up for the event. Visitors are asked to be mindful of others around them and not to paint anyone without permission, but we can't exactly guarantee nobody will end up getting into paint-splatter battles. A rider/handler is optional for this event.

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