Prompt Party


Looking for some fresh ideas for your art or literature, while also earning coins? You've come to the right place!

Prompt Party can be found on Discord, under the Minigames header. Head there to participate!



Art by Crownandstallion

This game works similarly to ⁠Doodleboard in terms of pacing, allowing two-hour claims to respond to what the person above you posted. However, instead of drawing gift art, you'll be drawing or writing about your own horse!

Prompt Party submissions earn normal coins (XP x 40) - no extra bonus on top of that, since you're getting coins for drawing your own horse!

Message order is as follows:

    1️⃣ "Claim!" message (two hours begins)
    2️⃣ WIP or finished piece + a new prompt
    🔀 Next person repeats the process!

Be as creative as you'd like with the prompts! They can be silly situations, serious ones, focused on ridden or feral horses, etc. up to you, as long as it stays appropriate of course. Just be sure to include at least a full sentence, not just a single word or phrase.


  • All claims must be headshot or 300w minimum and follow all Art/Lit Guidelines.

  • Coins will be earned for only one horse/depiction in the piece, even if multiple are featured or the same horse is featured multiple times. Maximum of 2000 words for literature.

  • If a WIP is not posted within 2 hours, someone else can claim instead.

  • Once finished, be sure to submit to the LK gallery, including the prompt in the description!

Time Limits
  • To keep things fair, all participants must abide by these time limits:

    • Up to 2 hours to complete and post at least a WIP in the channel.

    • Please wait 12+ hours before claiming the person who went right after you.

    • Feel free to complete at your own pace as long as you've posted at least a WIP. There is no official time limit for submitting your completed piece to the gallery.