

Doodleboard is a game hosted on Discord that encourages gifting and good vibes. All skill levels are welcome - this is just a fun gift exchange!

Doodleboard can be found on Discord, under the Minigames header. Head there to participate!



Art by Willewbridge

The game is chain-based, meaning that each person will draw for the person above them. You have 2 hours to create at least a WIP! You'll then post it directly in the channel along with 1-3 of your own Loshenkas (or someone else's / a group horse, if you have none!) for the next person to draw.

All completed Doodleboard submissions earn a +75 coin bonus! Include it in your coin breakdown to claim.

Message order is as follows:

    1️⃣ "Claim!" message (two hours begins)
    2️⃣ Form (see below) + WIP or finished piece
    🔀 Next person repeats the process!

This form should be attached to your art message:

@mention (tag the person you claimed!)
**Finished Link:** (link the LK gallery submission! leave blank for now if it's still a WIP)
**Link to Character(s):** (link 1-3 horses for the next person to choose from)


  • All claims must be headshot minimum and follow all Art/Lit Guidelines.

  • If a WIP is not posted within 2 hours, someone else can claim instead.

  • You may not claim another until your previous WIP is submitted.

  • Once finished, be sure to submit to the LK gallery and update your form!

Time Limits
  • To keep things fair, all participants must abide by these time limits:

    • Up to 2 hours to complete and post at least a WIP in the channel.

    • Up to 1 week to finish and upload the claim to the gallery.

    • Please wait 12+ hours before claiming the person who went right after you.