Bargain Bin


If you're looking to buy a new import without worrying about designing, this is the place for you!

Bargain Bin offers predesigned imports as well as semi-customs, allowing you to find a new pony in no time. More information about each type can be found below.

To receive notifications when new Bargain Bin imports or Build-a-BBin slots are open, grab the @Bargain Bin role in #role-selection​.

You can find both of the Bargain Bin channels under the "Group Adopts" section on Discord.


​Bargain Bin (normal) = Predesigned imports offered at a flat price (additions optional). If multiple people are interested, the buyer is randomized.

Build-a-BBin = ​You choose the phenotype, I create the design! Essentially a mystery semi-custom, with genes determined by the buyer.



Art by Highwy51

Bargain Bins are predesigned imports that are available at a cheaper cost than their Gene Form price. ​To ensure fairness for all timezones, bbins are not FCFS upon posting - instead, they are open for "bids" (expression of interest - no increase in price!) for the first 24 hours.

🔹 Bids should not be deleted once placed.

​🔹 Currency is up to the designer, and will be listed next to the 💰 emoji.

🔹 Additions are optional ($30 Rapunzel, $20 Wulf), and are added to the total price.

Once the horse has been up for 24 hours...

🔸 If you are the only bidder, you'll be able to purchase the horse outright.

🔸 If there are multiple bidders, a buyer will be randomly chosen (all chances equal).

🔸 If there were no bidders, it becomes fcfs for the next interested buyer.

Note - Payment must be sent within 24h of closing, or the design goes back up for sale.



Build-a-BBin designs are semi-custom imports designed by me - Paige! Pricing is determined by the Gene Form, with no additional surcharges for designing or complexity. BaBBins are opened at random; check the pinned thread in the channel to see if they're currently open!

​🔹 Payment is accepted via PayPal (USD) or dA (points) only. Point pricing is converted at $1:100.

​🔹 ​Orders must be paid within 24h of acceptance or your slot will be freed back up for someone else to claim.

​🔹 Designs are fully up to me - rather than providing prefs, pics, etc, the design you get will be a surprise! You'll only choose the pheno/geno.

🔹 You may order up to three build-a-bbins at a time unless stated otherwise. Please include all orders in a single post.

🔹 Tokens and items cannot be applied to reduce the price; they must be paid in full.

🔗 Click here to view the Gene Form. You may choose anything that is not marked N/A, including seasonals and event openings.

Please note that Build-a-BBins are not subject to event discount/BOGO offers unless specifically stated.

Art by doggface