Let it Snow

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Spring rolled into summer in Australia and with it young Storm passed four months old. The heat hadn't yet crept into the land, despite the spring rains easing off. Without the rain, the grass turned yellow and the hills looked more brown than green.

As the months passed, Ember saw more of her rider, Stacey, than before. The woman still had not ridden since her pregnancy, but had taken to walking some of the horses for exercise when she was able, Ember among them.

For now though, Storm and Ember enjoyed the cool weather, Ember only too happy for summer’s delay in rear its ugly head. Loshenka’s were built for snow not heat, Australia unfortunately having bits of both. Storm had yet to experience either.

Stacy and Jane walked along the path outside their field towards the stable. Storm upon noticing them, Storm came barrelling down the field, sliding to a stop before he could hit the fence and stand with his ears perked towards the humans. He liked the unusual creatures. They were friendly and gave him nice scratches behind his ears. Besides that, they talked about such interesting things that were beyond the stable and fields where he lived. He couldn’t wait until he was old enough to see it for himself.

"Do you really think it will be as bad as the news report said?" Jane, the young red head asked.

Stacey shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me. It's not the first time there's been snow in summer. I remember when there was a huge dumping of snow across Victoria on Christmas Day."

Storm tilted his head. Snow? Christmas? These words confused him. What did they mean? He'd never heard them before. What could they be talking about?

Jane smirked at her fellow human. "Somebody's wish for a white Christmas came true."

Stacey also smiled. "That it did." Her amusement fell away as she glanced at the paddock and noticed Storm. "Unfortunately, I don't think we can take the risk for the horses. They've shed out their winter coats and I don't want them catching chills."

Jane followed her gaze. "The Loshenkas will be alright though, won't they? They've got those special coats all year round."

"They should be. And we can probably leave them out. The rest need to be brought inside. I also want Storm and Ember brought in overnight, whether it snows or not. I’ll feel better with him inside.”

Storm snorted, tossing his head up. He didn’t want to go inside. Something was going to happen outside and he didn’t want to miss it. Whatever it was must be okay if the others could stay outside.

Jane nodded. “Okay, I’ll get started on the one’s in the far field.”

“Thank you, Jane,” Stacey smiled. “I have a few things to do at the stable, but let me know when you’re done and we can bring Ember and Storm in.”

“Sure you don’t want to bring them in now?”

“No,” she glanced over at the grullo colt with a grin. “Leave him out for now and let him burn off some more energy. He’s always got much of it.”

Storm turned away as they walked off, stomping his hooves. He wanted to stay outside and find out what this snow was. With a snort, he ran back to his mother to find out what she knew about it, she knew about a lot of things, after all.

Ember raised her head from where she'd been eating grass, looking fondly at her excitable son. At the mention of snow, she lifted her head to the sky. The dark grey clouds rolling closer did seem like they might carry snow. Turning her attention back to her grullo foal, she nickered gently. Snow was like frozen rain that floated from the sky. If enough came down, it would coat the ground and everything would turn white.

Storm let out an excited whinny, prancing and bucking in a circle around his mother. That sounded so cool.

Ember nickered in amusement and went back to grazing as he raced around.

The next day—for as much trouble as Storm caused, he and Ember did end up back in the stable overnight—Storm paced in front of the stall door.

Jane walked up with a grin. “Someone’s eager to go out this morning.”

Storm whinnied and stomped a hoof.

“Alright then, little man. Out into the field with you.” Jane led mother and foal outside and Storm gaped at the strange white world they stepped into. “We had a little bit of snow overnight. Not much, but enough to cover everything in sight and plenty to play around in. Have fun.”

As soon as his lead was unclipped, Storm bolted off. Snow flew up behind him as he galloped through the field, squealing with the thrill as he went. It was so crunchy and strange, but oh so much fun. Skidding to a stop, he lowered his nose to the ground and sniffed at the snow. It didn’t smell like much. He licked at it and sprang back with a squeal. It was cold!

He could hear his mother make a laughing whinny at him. He just snorted. How was he supposed to know it was going to be that cold? He’d never seen snow before.

Ember wandered over to him, nuzzling his neck. Snow was made of water that had been made so cold that it had hardened into tiny crystals, that’s why it was so cold to the touch.

Storm pawed at the snow, revealing the brown grass underneath. It was only a thin layer of snow at the moment, not the right time of year for it, but Ember assured him they would likely get some more when Winter came around. With a playful snort he raced off again, rearing, bucking and flicking snow everywhere. He decided that, despite the cold, he liked the snow. He couldn’t wait to see it again.

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Let it Snow
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In Existing XP ・ By Violetwind

By me: https://www.deviantart.com/horseg27/art/Harpg-Let-it-Snow-943176719

Submitted By Violetwind
Submitted: 6 months agoLast Updated: 6 months ago

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