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“What house number is it?” Mom was driving the family sedan, her head on a swivel trying to locate the townhouse we’re supposed to move into.

I glance at my phone to check the address, then back up just in time to see us pass. “It was that one… the one we just passed,” I say, pointing to a brick building behind us. Spotting the house, mom makes a u-turn, pulls into the driveway, and halts the car with a squeal of the brakes. She turns off the engine, and we step out.

“Why are we moving to the city again?” I ask, even though I already know the answer.

“Because your dad can’t grow his career while living in the middle of nowhere. You know this.” Mom replies, popping the trunk.

“Well, I don’t like it.”

“Yes, I know. Now help me unload everything while we wait for your dad’s flight to get in.”


“Your dad should land any minute, I’m gonna go to the airport to pick him up. Want to come with?” Mom grabs her keys and wallet and turns to me.

“No thanks. Is it okay if I go for a walk?” I’m going for a walk regardless of what she says. 

“Sure, but we only have one set of keys so far, take them with you, just make sure to be home before us to let us in.”

“Okay, whatever.” I shoo her out in front of me, and I lock the door, throwing the keys in my shorts pocket. The air smells heavy, and artificial. I can’t see a single tree from the front step, and while the lawns are all green, they’re that fake green that you get from chemicals, not the green of grassy fields and meadows and summer. I walk down our driveway, and turn left. I’m pretty sure both directions will lead me further into the urban nightmare that is the city, but left looks like it leads to more neighborhoods, instead of strip malls and corporate buildings. I put in an earbud, and start to walk mindlessly, letting my feet decide where to go at each intersection. After walking for probably 20 minutes, the houses on the right suddenly stop, and a vast stretch of green takes their place. It’s true, natural, beautiful green grass. It’s well manicured, but the grass is natural and luxurious. I keep walking, taking in the smell of nature- trying my best to ignore the houses still on my left. A white fence starts up a few hundred steps from where the grass first starts. I start to see horses scattered throughout the fields, with trees here and there. Horse pastures? In the middle of a neighborhood in the middle of the city? I keep walking, and approach a driveway, leading between two of the horse pastures. There’s a sign next to it, “Inferno Stables: Lessons, boarding, camps, and more!”. I find myself walking up the driveway, which leads towards a light brown stable, bustling with noise and movement, from people, horses, and the odd cat. I’m so focused on the barn that a sudden noise to my right makes me jump. A dark brown horse pushes against the fence, trying to reach out and touch me with his nose. He has no mane, but a long tan tail. I’ve never been around horses, and am a little bit scared by this one, and his back came up to the top of the fence. However, I reach out and lightly pet his nose, which has little spots on it. He nickers, and I take that to mean he likes it. I scratch his forehead, then keep walking towards the barn. The horse turns and walks next to me, him on one side of the fence, me on the other. I reach the barn, and suddenly realize how crazy I am to just walk into a random stableyard, not even knowing why I’m there. Just as I’m starting to weigh whether I could run unnoticed back to the main road, a lady walks up to me. I open my mouth to- I don’t know. Apologize? Introduce myself? Something.

“He likes you!” The lady says, with what looks like genuine shock on her face. She motions to the horse, who is still standing right next to me, on the other side of the fence. “He doesn’t like anyone. Very aloof.”

“Oh, uh… hi. I’m Jane.” I say, unsure what to respond. The lady sticks out her hand, and I shake it.

“I’m Felicity! I own Inferno Stables. What brings you here?” She looks me up and down, seeming to notice for the first time my tennis shoes and jogging shorts.

“Uh.. I’m not sure. We just moved here- my parents and I- and, I decided to go for a walk, and somehow ended up here.” I realized that I moved to stand closer to the horse while I was talking. He stuck his head over the fence, and I was mindlessly petting it, running my hands over the little white spots on his muzzle.

“Just moved eh? Well, horses have a certain way of helping people settle into new places, and new routines. Why don’t I walk you through the barn, and maybe we can set you up for a ride later?” I nod, and we start to walk towards the barn. A sharp whinny sounds from behind us, and we turn around to see the brown horse, restlessly pacing by the fence, watching us go.

“That’s Prada. Like I said earlier, he doesn’t like anyone. He tolerates all of us, but would just as well be by himself. He seems to really like you.” Felicity gives me a searching look, then looks back to Prada. “Hold on,” She says, walking towards the gate at the corner of Prada’s field. She opens the gate, picking up a halter hanging on the fence post next to it as she does. Prada’s ears go back, and he tenses up as she slips the halter over his head. However, he follows her as she leads him out of the pasture and towards me. Once they reach me, his ears perk up, and his posture relaxes. He nickers at me again, and pushes his nose into my hand. 

“Want to take him while I show you around?” Felicity asks, holding out his lead rope to me.
“Uh… sure?” I take the lead rope from her, and Felicity, Prada, and I walk towards the barn. I still don’t want to live in the city… but maybe this will make it bearable. 


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In General Art/Lit ・ By emferno


ID/Name: 6709

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Submitted By emferno
Submitted: 6 months agoLast Updated: 6 months ago

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