Prompt 1 - Scarecrow

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Red Wolf stood stock still, staring into the hollow spaces where the creature's eyes should have been. Every muscle of his body was tensed, his nostrils flared, and his deep chestnut tail was held high. Cautiously, the horse took a step forward toward the creature, calling out to it and pricking his ears as far forward as they could go while he waited for a response - but none came. The only sound around him was the gentle breeze through the swaying corn stalks and hay.

Another step forward. The stallion's nostrils flared again as he tried to catch the being's scent. Nothing. With an agitated toss of his head, Red Wolf half reared and lashed out in the direction of this stranger, but it didn't react. What was it doing here? Why was it in his field?

Finally, Red Wolf decided that enough was enough. He bolted toward the creature, squealing and snorting like a wild, untamed beast. Impressively, the eyeless being stayed rigidly in place, the only movement coming from the wind blowing the ends of it's shirt free from it's pants. The stallion slid to a stop in front of the thing, front hooves nearly colliding with the pole it perched on. It smelled like old straw and fabric with a hint of mildew.

"What are you?" Red Wolf asked it. He got no response. Frustrated, the chestnut stallion shoved his head forward and grabbed the creature's tattered flannel shirt in his teeth and yanked it back with enough force to pull a human off their feet. Still, the creature stayed steady. The shirt, however, had less conviction and was ripped open from the force of the movement, buttons and old straw cascading to the ground.

Red Wolf snorted in surprise and scrambled back so quickly he nearly forced himself to sit on his haunches. Was this creature even alive? When the perched thing didn't move for several seconds, the stallion approached again, scenting at the being's body. There was no identifying smell aside from that of old straw. So... What was it doing here? Had someone put it here intentionally?

Overhead a murder of crows circled, looking for a place to find their next meal. Red Wolf looked up at them as they began to swoop down, but the wind picked up and fluttered the strange creature's hat and drew their attention. Instead of taking the corn for their snack, the crows startled and quickly flew away. The stallion turned his attention back to the lifeless thing filled with straw. Perhaps it wasn't here to challenge him, but the crows

Giving the thing one last wary look, Red Wolf decided that he'd done enough investigating for the time being. He'd be watching the mildew filled thing, though. If it moved at all, he'd knock it off of that wooden pole before it could even look in his direction.

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Prompt 1 - Scarecrow
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In 2024 Harvest Festival ・ By Talvace
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Submitted By Talvace
Submitted: 1 day agoLast Updated: 1 day ago

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[Prompt 1 - Scarecrow by Talvace (Literature)](
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