I'm Going To Get My Revenge (Somehow)

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With a sigh, I pushed open the loud creaky gate. “Let’s go.” Silent whispered, and trotted through the now open gate. Graveyard trespassing, what’s new? 

I followed Silent, careful to not make a sound. “Crypt’s this way.” Silent called, his voice rough, but fairly quiet. My hooves crunched the leaves underhoof, alerting anyone with good hearing that there was something over here. I trotted into Silent. “Hey!” He whisper-shouted. “Sorry.” I grunted as I began trying to open the crypt. It wasn’t the easiest thing. I think they tried to close it for a reason, but no matter. “Fuck.” I whispered as a small click rang out. Not what I wanted to do. “Whisper? What happened?” Silent asked, his head softly tilted towards the moon. “Nothing.” I huffed, picking up the crow bar beside me. “Whisper?” Silent asked, giving me a perplexed look. “It won’t open. Lock’s too strong.” I replied. Silent gave a quick nod, and took a few steps back. 

The crow bar was heavy in my mouth, leaving a metal taste. With a sigh, I swung it into the handle. A big boom radiated out. Oops. The crypt door opened with a creak. “Good job.” Silent whispered, slipping inside. 

As I carefully walked inside, I realized quickly what a mistake it was to not bring a lantern or a source of light. We’re screwed. 

It was pitch black. Like a hundred percent. I heard clatter ahead of me. “Silent?” I called, not wanting to admit how much this scared me. No reply. “Hey Silent, you there?” I asked. Still no reply. A rush of adrenaline ran through me, my limbs shaking, and my mind running on, thinking of all the possibilities. “Silent come on, let’s just get out of here.” I called, forcing myself to walk forward. My voice echoed through the crypt. Was I even in a crypt at this point?

A light flashed on. “Trespassers! Trespassers!” A man and woman screamed from in front of me, shining their flashlights into my eyes. I felt like a deer in headlights, unable to move. Silent shoved past me, “Let’s get out of here!” He screeched, taking off to the entrance of the crypt. I followed him, the people hot on our tails. “Get ‘em!” The woman screamed. As we exited the crypt I saw two horses barreling towards us. Their tails long and flowing behind them. Loshenkas. 

Silent was ahead of me, getting closer to the gate. I had two choices, follow Silent, or pull off to try and save him. I chose option one.

I gained on him as the Loshenka’s gained on me. “Silent, run, they're catching up!” I screamed, my voice carrying through the space. He picked up the pace, but he must have been at least three lengths in front of me. I turned my head, big mistake. The faster of the two horses had to have been less than two lengths away from me. “Fuck.” I whispered, urging my legs to go faster. 

I made it out of the gate, and quickly beelined for the forest. My breaths came in fast, uncontrolled. A pain began developing in my side, making it nearly impossible to keep going. Every breath exacerbated the pain. “Fuck.” I cried. Silent wasn’t too far ahead of me, maybe two, three lengths? I pushed myself through the pain. My legs wanted to stop, and hell I wanted to stop, but I didn’t have a choice. Run or be caught. No other option. 

I took another glance behind me, the two horses had parted. Fuck, they are going to run us somewhere like we are some goddamned mustangs. 

I slowed down, I didn’t have much of a choice, I couldn’t breathe. My lungs were on fire, the cold air making every breath painful plus the pain in my side. I couldn’t. I fell to the ground, my legs failing me. 

“Whisper! Get up, please.” Silent’s voice echoed through my head. “Run Whisper, run.” His menacing eyes stared me down. What a dream. 

When I opened my eyes, the sounds of my surroundings came to me. Birds, rats, and other animals. The sound of thundering hooves got my attention. The two horses. This wasn’t a joke, this wasn’t a prank. This was real. And they were really hunting me down. 

I caught a glimpse of one, moving fast through the dark towards me. Its coat seemed like a dirty brown in the dark, but I’m sure it would appear much brighter in the day. It’s blue eyes staring me down. It’s challenging me, its fucking challanging me to get up. What the fuck.

I threw my legs below me and ran. The wind howled in my ears making hearing anything or anyone nearly impossible. The wind snapped at my nose and legs making breathing difficult. “Don’t look behind you” I whispered to myself. Another horse came running at my side. “Fucking hell!” I cried, running away from it. It stayed close to my side, this one a deep blue and pink in the dark. It’s blue eyes staring at me angrily. Why did both these horses have blue eyes? 

I turned my attention to Silent, who was racing in front of me. No one seemed to be on his tail, and we must have been at least six lengths behind him. 

A human came out from behind a tree. “Got you!!!” She screamed happily. I stopped dead in my tracks. “What do you mean, ‘got you’?” I challenged. “We got you, and even better than last time!” She said happily walking up to me. Silent was next to his girl. “Was Silent in on it?” I asked, my voice shaking. “Of course, do you really think we could have done this without him?” She asked. Fuck. Fuck you.

She gave me a swift pat, and a kiss. The two horses who were chasing us came. “That was fun.” Pluto panted, the man on his back. “Yeah.” The other horse agreed, the woman on her back. 

I’m done with everyone. Fuck everyone. “Fuck you guys.” I huffed. “Is someone a sore loser?” My human asked. I grunted and bared my teeth. “I guess so.” She chuckled. She’s going to pay for this, they all are going to pay for this. Even Silent and the other horses.

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I'm Going To Get My Revenge (Somehow)
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In 2024 Harvest Festival ・ By Sage
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Submitted By Sage
Submitted: 3 days agoLast Updated: 1 day ago

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