Disturbing Rodents

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There was something wrong in the stables. Frankly there was something wrong at the inn. They’d stop there for the evening and from the beginning things had seemed unsettling. Unfortunately, there simply wasn’t anywhere else to stop and camping wasn’t an option. There was a nasty storm rolling in and some shelter was better than none. 

Plague Hound, FMA Plague Hound as he was formally known, tossed his head and looked at Cassandra questioningly. The eighteen hands high stallion wasn’t afraid of much, but it was clear the unsettling aura of the place had gotten to him as well. 

“Yeah, I know, Plague. I’m not a fan of it here either.” Cassandra stroked the stallion’s nearly black nose. “But there’s nowhere else to go just now.”  

The stallion snorted in displeasure but didn’t protest further, though they remained near Cassandra and avoided the oats, grain, and other food available in the stall. 

Cass fumbled in her pocket for a treat. Plague was a fan of carrots and she had a few with her. She’d rather be able to turn him out to graze, but the loud crack of thunder warned her the storm was far too close to risk it. As if reinforcing the notion, the wind could be heard howling outside as the walls of the stable rattled and the shutters looked like they might fly off at a moment's notice. 

Plague flattened his ears back, their black tips quivering as they pawed nervously at the ground with their white colored legs. The tobiano markings were the only thing standing out in the dim light of the stables. The grayish black of their smokey, grullo coat was almost lost in the encroaching shadows. 

Cassandra continued to stroke his neck and side, trying to keep him calm as the storm grew stronger and the disturbing feel of the place only became more apparent and she considered lighting one of the nearby lanterns, but a sudden squeak interrupted her movements. Well, maybe not a squeak. It was more as if a squeak merged with a snarl. 

The bedding began to move in the corner as the sound grew closer and the feeling of something coming grew stronger. 

Plague Hound's reaction was immediate as the stallion reared as much as the confines of the stall would allow, knocking Cass back towards the stall door and nearly sending her falling into the bedding. 

“Shhh… easy.” Cass tried to catch him and calm him, not wanting him to get injured and certainly not in a place like this. “Easy…” 

She kept an eye on the still twitching corner as she finally managed to calm Plague just a little. The smoky grullo tobiano was still dancing and pulling to try and get away from the corner. He wasn’t panicking at the moment, so much as deeply concerned. Not that Cassandra could blame him. The sound was unpleasant and for all she was used to dangerous things, something about it set the hair on the back of her neck standing as well.  

The bedding began to twitch more as more of the odd sounding creatures seemed to congregate. Small, glowing eyes began appearing and moving closer. 

Plague didn’t hesitate. Any notion of getting away from the bedding turned to anger as he stomped down hard on the straw. His motion accomplished something in that it sent dozens of rodents scurrying out from under cover. 

Cassandra barely managed to dodge the stream of little creatures, realizing immediately they weren’t just ordinary rodents. Their eyes glowed with a faint, sickly green color and their fangs were visible even in the near darkness of the stall. 

Plague, heedless of Cassandra for the moment, attempted to crush several more of the small rodents as they raced for more cover. The agile little creatures avoided his hooves as the bedding got tossed and shuffled around the floor and Cassandra tried desperately to keep her toes out of the way. 

Plague’s efforts were in vain, unfortunately, and all of the disturbing rodents found refuge in other parts of the bedding. Their eerie eyes and unsettling squeaks continued as they watched the pair from the bedding, occasionally scurrying closer causing the straw and shavings to ripple in a way that just seemed entirely unnatural. 

Cassandra made her own effort to stomp on or chase away the little things. They really weren’t any bigger than most rodents. If anything they looked almost normal, but they weren’t. Their appearance shouldn’t have been so unsettling, but it was as if they were rodents, but not quite and it just made them seem wrong in every way. 

A bright flash of lightning lit the sky as a loud peal of thunder echoed overhead. Plague let out a scream that was both anger and fear as he once again tried to settle with the rodents currently circling them. Cassandra, this time heedless of her own toes, joined in the effort. 

The combined efforts of the two seemed to give the unsettling rodents pause as they backed off. The rustling of the bedding grew less and the odd glowing eyes were now only seen at a distance, the rodents keeping just outside the stall. 

The disturbing feeling didn’t necessarily lessen, but it did seem less immediate of a threat. Plague tossed his head in agitation, nuzzling at Cassandra for reassurance. She was glad to offer it, stroking at his black nose and small white diamond on his head. “As soon as this storm lets up, we’re gone.” 

Plague didn’t seem to mind this thought in the least, the tall stallion pressing up against her and as far away from the still skittering and squeaking rodents as he could. Occasionally his white legs would lash out at any of the creatures that dared to come too close, but otherwise he seemed more interested in just staying away from them. 

Cassandra didn’t blame him, more interested in simply getting through the storm and away from the rodents. She continued to stroke his nose and occasionally his side as Plague shifted around the stall nervously and in an effort to keep the disturbing rodents at bay. His fast moving, tobiano marked legs enough to make the creature wary now. 

Finally the storm began to ease, the lightning and thunder growing more distant and then finally fading away as the rain became little more than a drizzle. The transition was just in time for dawn to slowly start lighting the sky, as the rodents seemed to flee the light and the disturbing air of the space began to lessen. 

Plague kicked at the stall door, looking at Cassandra expectantly. 

“You don’t need to tell me twice.” Cass muttered, opening the stall door. 

Plague practically ran out the door, though he stopped outside and turned to Cass. 

Cassandra didn’t say anything, instead she swung up onto his back and allowed him to take off at whatever speed he so desired. 

The stallion, being of the same mind as Cassandra, took off at a dead run, eager to leave the stable and disturbing rodents behind.  

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Disturbing Rodents
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In 2024 Harvest Festival ・ By Draggoness
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Submitted By Draggoness
Submitted: 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 week ago

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