Phase Three: Finally a breakthrough

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“Dammit, Back off you” shouted a voice, Hero looked over from where he was walking outside of the ranch to enter his office. Sure enough there was one of the trainers who was working with the loshenka that had been brought in. He had gone to greet the stallion across the fence. However, The stallion’s ears were pinned back as he made another biting attempt. Hero quickly rushed over as the stallion turned to face him with a similar reaction. Hero let out a loud yell waving his hands, the stallion backed off a bit but was clearly still watching them.


“We really ought to rehome that bastard or something. Have someone else deal with him.” The trainer sighed as they took a towel to Pat dry the sweat.


“I’ll think on it- we are clearly not making much progress.” Hero said looking towards the stallion. Who indeed looked marvelous sporting one of the breeds unique markings.


The trainer scoffed “better so something quick because I’m not working with that horse anymore.”


“That’s understandable-“ hero said sighing, “I’m going to my office ring me if anything happens.” The trainer merely waved their hand as a go ahead, before Hero walked away.


He closed the door behind him as he entered, starting up some coffee before pulling out a file from the drawer, setting it down on the desk. Hero rubbed his temples as he sat down into his chair. Paper file laid out as he sipped his morning coffee ignoring the bitterness of it for now, setting the mug down as his picked up the file he feel into thought. Training for this makeover loshenka that had been brought in hadn’t been going to plan- things were almost always uncertain around this stallion. His spookiness around animals has somewhat improved but lately he has been getting more bitty and not just around small children. He closed his eyes, leaning back into his chair as he thought of what to do next. The words of the ranch’s vet came to mind as he pondered. A mention that his aggressiveness may be linked to that fact he was still intact. Hero laid reclined for a moment before sitting up and reaching for his phone. Dialing in a number he brought it up to his ear,


“Hey yea, it’s Hero. Let’s go ahead and Geld him.”




The vet arrived the next morning- and the castration honestly went very smoothly. Thankfully the now gelding was on the younger side so not many issues where to be to mad- hopefully training would go by easier now.


Hero learned forward against the Fence as the loshenka, which he decidedly named Orion past the nickname that he had been called before, was starting to stir back from the sedatives. Orion looked disoriented for some time not quite ready to get back onto his feet. Once he was ready he staggered for a little bit before gaining his grounding again looking around with a low hanging head.


“Yea it’s gonna be like that buddy for a little bit.” Hero chuckled to himself- from here on out he will handle Orion’s retraining mainly as a last ditch effort with this loshenka to see if he could get him to turn around. The former stallion made eye contact with him in seemingly confusions before heading off further to one of the back areas of the pasture.


Within a few hours Orion was still acting as his usual self- the vet did say to give him some time to let things adjust and to not except a change right away, that that will have to do with more training.




Many weeks later…


Orion to say was doing much better and reacting better to training. The gelding wasn’t as snappy nor pushy as before, should have probably gelded him sooner. Hero started up more desensitizing training with him- which as first was highly stressful but more and more did the gelding care less about the surrounding. However he still was quick to react to quick uncertainties- which would make sense why he didn’t like children that much now that Hero was thinking of it.


“Good boy.” Hero said patting Orion’s shoulder, the gelding let out a small whinny as the current session finished up. Definitely saying where is my treat. Hero chuckled presenting cut up carrot slices for the gelding who happily ate them up. “Come on buddy one last lesson for today- a little test for ya.” He said nervously, Orion angled his ears forward as if to say more treats if so?


The Steveson family was big with all of them being into horses. So it was rather easy to find that one of his nephews was willing to be a test subject today- even if that meant chalking up some money to the pre-teen. Hero lead Orion out do the round pen as they approached a boy.


“Yo.” He said raising his hand in hello. Orion already was flicking his ears forward  observing the small being.


“Miley did you bring the treats? He probably won’t be as cautious then.” Hero said stopping with Orion lengths away. Miley nodded as he presented a bag full of chopped up apples and carrots. Hero nodded, “put some in your hand and make sure to angle your fingers down, and approach slowly. Don’t make any sudden or loud movements I don’t know how he will react.”


“If he reacts you owe me another 100,” Miley said as he put the treats to his hand. Hero sighed but nodded in agreement- thsi kid outta burn a hole in his pocket. “Alrighty here I go- better hold onto him.”


Miley approached slowly as Orion ears kept alert towards him. Letting out small nickers out of curiosity. Miley extending his hand once he was close enough treats displayed. Orion let out a happy nicker before leaning his head forward and gleefully taking the treats from his hand. Hero let out a relieved sigh and so did Miley. Orion sniffed around more playfully searching for more treats which Miley present before patting the gelding on the head.


“Thank goodness, thank you Miley.” Hero said, Miley only laughed as the gelding took to licking the young boy in the face. Hero paused for a moment, “why don’t you join me in trainings more with him?”


Miley looked at him as the gelding was continuing to be in his face before shrugging; “sure I don’t see why not as long as you pay me.”


“Yea I figured you would say that- say if training goes well enough and he likes you, I’ll let you have him.” Hero said, Miley’s eyes went wide a bit astonished


“Oh seriously,” Miley blinked looking back at the gelding who was accepting the pats without the treats. “Yea I would like that, I’ve almost outgrown, Taiga so a new horse will be nice.” Hero nodded before patting his nephew’s shoulder


“Now we just gotta get your mom on board- knowing my sister she probably doesn’t like the idea of you near this horse.” Hero chuckled, Miley let out a laugh in agreement.


“Pft she doesn’t like me doing a lot of things- I don’t think training a horse with issues would be the worst.” Miley scoffed


Hero nodded as he looked back to Orion “well buddy looks like we have a new training partner.”

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Phase Three: Finally a breakthrough
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In 2024 Loshenka Makeover ・ By Corvuskies
Event: 2024 Loshenka Makeover
​​Phase Number: 3
Horse ID#: 6517
- Issues: Hates Children and Small Animals
- Description: This horse briefly belonged to a lesson barn after they were sold by their adult owner. It immediately became clear that this horse was not suited for a lesson program; not only did it take a swipe at any small child walking past, it would bolt at the sight of barn cats or dogs.
XP Breakdown:
1232 Words = 12 Xp
Total: 12 XP

Submitted By Corvuskies
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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