Makeover 2024 Bonus prompt 1 - Checkup

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Viola sat on the garden bench near the stables. She rubbed her knee, reaching further until she could feel the prosthetic under her pants. Nervously, she ran her fingers back and forth across the edge, eyes unfocused as her mind swirled with thoughts. 

A soft whine and a nose nudging at her hand pulled her from getting too lost in her own mind. The white Wiltshire Spaniel settled her head on Viola's knee, under her hand. 

She smiled and obliged, patting the dog. “I know I shouldn't be so worried. It's just been a lot over the past few days with several people coming by the estate and dealing with Duke. Now we've got the new vet coming. And I know he needs to be seen so that we can continue helping him, I just wish it was someone familiar instead of another stranger. It's why I like leaving the business side of things to Mei. Less people to interact with.” 

She let out a short humourless chuckle. “Guess I can't escape all responsibility now can I?” 

A buzz from her phone alerted her to a message. It was from Mei, letting her know that the new vet had arrived. 

“Duty calls.” She stood and headed around the front to meet them. 

A four wheel drive pulled up and a red headed man hopped out. He leaned back inside to grab a bag before turning around and smiling at her. “Hi, I'm Alex, the new vet.” 

“Viola,” she introduced, sticking out her hand for a handshake.

“Pleasure to meet you,” he replied with a toothy smile. 

The nerves in her stomach seemed to get a second wind, twisting and fluttering more than before. She fought to keep her voice even. “You as well.” 

“And who’s this?” he gestured towards the wilty at her heels. “May I pat her?” 

She nodded. “This is Jocasta.” 

He crouched, letting her sniff him before he reached out to pat the back of her neck. “Like Star Wars?” 

“I like to think so, yes.” She felt herself relax a little. 

He stood. “So where’s this new rescue?” 

“This way,” she led him into the stables. Duke had been spending more time out in the small paddock by the stables since his hooves had been trimmed but she was still worried since he continued to have some trouble walking. 

“He’s a beaut,” Alex commented as they stepped up to Duke’s stall. 

 The red roan gelding stuck his head out over the door to greet them. After a moment of introduction, Viola brought him out and the vet began his lameness checks, along with checking his overall soundness. 

Once it was complete, Viola stood holding Duke’s lead rope, while Alex patted his neck. Jocasta sat nearby, having stayed with them during the examination, giving both Viola and Duke some much needed moral support. 

“Well, I’m sorry I can’t give you the news you probably wanted to hear but I do believe he is suffering from navicular syndrome. He’s a little underweight as well, but otherwise he’s in decent health. You said he had his hooves trimmed recently?” 

She nodded. 

“Then he’s already on his way to being helped. I think we can see how he goes with the corrective trim before we think about shoes. If he ever seems to be in more pain, we can give him some pain meds. But for now he just needs plenty of turn out time to improve circulation to the hooves and he can continue to move. Work him only on soft surfaces and don’t lunge him. Straight lines only, no tight circles.” 

“Okay. Is there anything else?” 

“I think that pretty much covers it. Do you have any questions?” Alex asked. 

The question ‘are you free on Friday’ rose unbidden to her mind but she shoved it away. She wasn’t there to get a date with the new vet. 

“No, you’re good. We’re good.”

“Okay, well,” he smiled. “If anything comes up, you have my number.” 

“Yes, I do. I have that.” 

“Great. Let me know how it all goes. Hopefully we can see this guy start to move a bit better.” 

“Yeah,” she reached up and scratched Duke’s neck. “And, uh, thanks.” 

“No worries. I’ll leave you to it. All the best.” He waved and set off, giving Jocasta a pat as he passed. 

Viola watched him go, shoving down the butterflies in her stomach. She didn’t have time to worry about a silly little crush. “Alright,” she addressed Duke, “Let’s get you back out into the field. I’m sure you’d like to get back to grazing.” 

He whinnied his agreement. 

“Calm down, hotshot.” She giggled. “We’re going.”

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Makeover 2024 Bonus prompt 1 - Checkup
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In 2024 Loshenka Makeover ・ By Violetwind

Event: 2024 Loshenka Makeover
Bonus Prompt: Checkup
Horse ID#: 6486
- Issues: Overgrown Hooves, Possible Navicular Syndrome
- Description: Rescued from a neglectful situation, this gelding has hooves that haven't been trimmed in over a year, making walking painful and awkward for him. He also shows signs of navicular syndrome, with a pronounced heel pain that could worsen without proper hoof care and management. He has a gentle temperament but is in obvious discomfort, and his rehabilitation will require careful farrier work and possibly medical intervention.
XP Breakdown:
+3 - Headshot
+1 - Shading
+2 - Partial Handler
+8 - Word count (780)
+1 - Handler (story)
= 15 xp total


Submitted By Violetwind
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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