Makeover 2024: Bonus 2 | Steady Progress

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“Can you believe it’s been a month already?”

“God, no. Why does it seem like the season with the longest days goes by the fastest?”

Codie grunted as she loaded hay into a wheelbarrow. Chey stood beside her, hands in her sweatshirt pockets. Normally she would help Codie, but today her mental health wasn’t doing so hot. Codie didn’t mind either way. She always told Chey not to worry about those types of things.

“You’re right. I wish I could tell you.” Codie dusted herself off and stepped towards the handles. “All we can do is enjoy every moment we get, right?”

Chey smiled meekly. “Yeah, I suppose. Ready to head out?”

Just as Codie nodded and lifted the wheelbarrow, Cadence came jogging from the main office. “Hey! I’m tagging along. I gotta check one of the border's horses. Damn thing won’t keep his boot on.”

Codie rolled her eyes and smiled. “I know exactly who you’re talking about. The Three C’s are rolling out!” Cadence chuckled, and the three-headed out of the stables.

As they walked, Cadence struck up a conversation. “Hey, Chey, how’s Toffee been? I just realized it’s already been a whole month since he got here! I’m sorry I haven’t been as involved as I’d hoped I’d be. These summer camps are kicking my ass.”

Chey smirked. She didn’t envy Cadence spending her weekdays surrounded by eager, excitable, overstimulating children. “He’s been doing good I wanna say. He didn’t have any problems when he moved into this new paddock, at least. Still, I wouldn’t say he’s shown much interest with the other horses. Toffee greeted them, and of course, Wisp was so gentle with him. But he still doesn’t seem to have the normal herd mentality I’ve seen.”

“Ah, Wisp,” Cadence sighed. “She is such an angel. I’m glad that we have her to help, at least. I think if any horse is going to help Toffee feel comfortable at his own pace, it’d be her.”

“And don’t forget my boy!” Codie chimed. “He may be an older guy, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a gentleman.”

Chey’s smirk grew into a relieved smile. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ve been worried that I’m not helping Toffee enough, but I’m glad that I- or, we, have you and your horses’ support.”

“Of course! It’s the least we could do.” Cadence rested her hand lightly on Chey’s upper back. “We’ve got to take care of each other. They know that too. Not to mention, these horses deserve a second chance. Toffee may not have come from such a physically harsh background, but the emotional neglect of an animal is still neglect in my book. I’m sure he’s got a spunky little personality in there.”

“Just hopefully not as spunky as King’s,” Codie grumbled. That got a giggle out of Chey.

Cadence shook her head. “Oh! Speaking of, how has playing with Toffee been? Has he shown any interest in toys?”

“Eh?” Chey shrugged. “Sort of? He seems a little interested, but nothing really catches his eye. Well, except for the other day. When the kids were playing fetch with the farrier’s dog, I caught him getting distracted by the Frisbee. I didn’t think much of it, since it was a bright-yellow-flying thing that would scare some horses. But now that you mention it, he really did look interested in some of the toys that made sounds.”

Chey raised her brow in thought. “Huh… interesting. Maybe he’s got more dog-brain than horse-brain.”

Codie came to a stop in front of Cadence and Chey so quickly that the three of them nearly collided. Cadence gasped. “Oof! Jesus, a little warning would be nice-”

“Shhh!” Codie hushed. “Look!”

The three women shifted their gaze to the rescue’s paddock. Their expressions turned to shock. While Leif grazed nearby, Wisp and Toffee were beside each other. Wisp lifted her head and started to groom Toffee’s back. To everyone’s surprise, Toffee returned the gesture.

Cadence’s face broke out into a huge grin. “Well, well, well,” she said, her voice mumbled. “I think someone’s learning how to have friends again.”

After a few moments, Leif noticed the hay barrel and sounded the dinner alarm with an excited nicker. He lifted his head and started walking towards the gate. Wisp and Toffee turned to look towards the gate, and Toffee also let out his own excited little neigh. The sound brought tears to Chey’s eyes. He was learning. He was getting his friends back. He would be himself again, in time.

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Makeover 2024: Bonus 2 | Steady Progress
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In 2024 Loshenka Makeover ・ By northamber

Event: 2024 Loshenka Makeover
Phase Number: Bonus #2 (Milestones)
Horse ID#: 6541
- Issues: Lonely, Grieving
- Description: This horse shared a paddock with their best bud until they passed away suddenly a few months ago. This horse is clearly still depressed, and though they will go through the motions of being groomed, ridden, etc., it is without any motivation or ‘spark’.

XP Breakdown for 6541:
+8xp - 754 words
+1xp - Handler (1x 500 words) (Chey)
= 9xp total

Links to other horses mentioned:

Submitted By northamber
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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