Phase # 3 | Bounds

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It felt a bit like deja vu. Kass paced around the outside arena, her hands stretched and twisted together behind her back as she walked. She had to get her nervous energy out before she went into to the stable. Today was the day. It had been months. Spring rolled into deep summer, and autumn was on the horizon.

And what an adventure it had been. Kass found her mind wandering as she paused, taking slow breaths. A surprising calm washed over her.
The process had been slow. Almost painfully so. The started with the small things, just as Akamu had recommended. Light desensitizing in the barn hallway, close to her safe space, but not in it. Then Kass moved them into the indoor arena. She was grateful, though not for the first time, that it was connected to the barn, so there was no need to expose Ginger to the outside world again.

And she handled it all well. Surprisingly well, from Kass’s point of view. She had a feeling that before Ginger had spent so much time alone in that intercity barn, she had probably made someone a magnificent horse. Aside of her terror of being outside and anything windy or whistle, or things that flapped, she wasn’t spooked by much else. Bright colors, kids yelling, other horses. All of that seemed fine. It was mostly sudden movement. So that was what they worked on. Every day, Kass spent hours with Ginger. Sometimes they would simply sit and bond, and others she would introduce small versions of adverse stimuli, and lots and lots of treats.

And slowly, but surely, Ginger began to relax. A little bit more each time she was exposed. And now they had finally reached it. Going outside on a breezy day. Kass sighed to herself. She was worried it would all go wrong again. And it made her hesitate. Had she done a good enough job? Had she bonded well enough for Ginger to trust her in an outside space?

Well, the only way to find out was to give it a go. Kass took another deep breath, wrung her fingers together, and then turned to the barn, walking with the most confident stride she could.
Ginger was in her stall as usual, ears back and a back hoof cocked. She perked up when Kass appeared at the stable door.

“Hey pretty girl.” Kass offered her a sugar cube and an affectionate rub behind the ears. “Up for some work today?”

Kass stepped back and pulled open the stall door, standing aside to let Ginger come out.

Working together, Kass had worked on a different technique than she had with any of her other horses. She’d started to let Ginger decide what they started the day with. Kass gave her suggestions, but ultimately, she let the mare decide her comfort level. It had strengthened the bond more than Kass would’ve imagined. And it helped her understand her other horses better too. All the way around Kass felt  better in her horsemanship. And her trainers noticed it too.

Ginger meandered out of her stall, sniffing the ground and then looking expectantly at Kass. Kass smiled and rubbed her nose before she led the way to the indoor arena.

They started with just some basic things, a little bit of ground work to make sure Ginger was feeling comfortable. Only then did Kass prepared to lead her outside.


Kass made sure she strode with the same confidence she always did, and Ginger followed, her ears perked, though Kass could tell she was a bit wary.
“You’ll be fine girl.” Kass assured, rubbing her neck. “I won’t lead you astray. Not again.”


When the pair reached the open door, Ginger stopped, her ears up and her body tensing. Kass paused with her, allowing the mare to observe the outside. She rubbed the mare’s neck to encourage her, and when she felt Ginger relax just a bit, Kass stepped outside.

She stood patiently just beyond the door, now turning to observe Ginger. Kass held her breath and fought to stay calm. Not being on a halter, this choice was Ginger’s. Either she would trust Kass, or she would return to the safety of her stall.

The mare looked flabbergasted that Kass would just step outside of the safety of the barn. She stood there, stiff, her ears up, then back, then up again. Then she tossed her head a bit back and forth and sniffed the ground, snorting her annoyance.

“You got this.” Kass whispered to herself. “Come on.”

The waiting was the hardest part. It felt like they were standing there forever, unsure of what was going to happen. Kass stayed confident, whispering encouraging words to Ginger, but otherwise not moving. Then finally, the mare exhaled, and stepped over the threshold. She gave a little start as she did, her ears strained forward and her eyes wildly looking around. But she came to Kass’s side, and though tense, she stood outside.

It took all of Kass’s self control to not spring into the air and shout for joy. She retrieved a sugar cube from her pocket and rewarded her nervous mare for the biggest step she’d taken. Then she walked out a bit further.

Ginger followed Kass for a very short walk around the barn, but when the wind picked up a bit more, she finally retreated to the open door that Kass had kept them near. Kass followed her, rubbing her neck and feeling nearly overflowing with excitement. First outside, next, who knew!? Ginger had made a huge leap, and now Kass was confident they could go anywhere.

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Phase # 3 | Bounds
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In 2024 Loshenka Makeover ・ By Dreamcatcher-Stable
Event: 2024 Loshenka Makeover
​​Phase Number: #3
Horse ID#: 6504
- Issues: Spooky in Windy Conditions, Environmental Sensitivity
- Description: This horse, previously kept in a sheltered barn, becomes particularly spooky and anxious in windy conditions. Their limited exposure to outdoor environments has made them highly sensitive to sudden noises and movements.
XP Breakdown:
+9 - Full Body
+3 - Complex Shading
+2 - Background
+4 - Rider Full Body
+9 - Lit - 942 WC
+1 - Lit- Handler

= 28 xp total

Submitted By Dreamcatcher-StableView Favorites
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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