Phase 3: Into the Future

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It'd been almost a month since Hitomi and her team had taken on another Loshenka. A mare, whose history of abuse had been hidden by the rescue she'd been sent too. Nearly gored to death by a Brahma bull during her younger days, Cahira had been a hard nut to crack but with the perseverance of Hitomi and her dedicated team, they'd done just that. But none of that would matter if they couldn't convince the rescue that Wild River Ranch, was the best spot for the still deeply troubled mare. Eyeing up the representatives, Hitomi shook her head. While she understood it was just business, it still stung that everyone seemed determined to take the mare back. At least twice, one of the reps had found the mare being so close to Jackson, to be a fault, even if Cahira wasn't reacting in a negative manner, it still wasn't right. *Too bad.* Thought Hitomi with some anger. *If they only understood just all we went through to get Cahira to this point.* She thought as she made her way to Cahira's round pen and entering, she smiled when Cahira went up to her, with a soft whicker. "Hello my beautiful, brave girl." Whispered Hitomi as Cahira's delicate ears flicked forward at the sound of her voice. "We have to show them, that while you may still be fearful, there's hope for you. But not if they take you away from us." Whispered Hitomi as Cahira gazed at her before bobbing her head in seeming agreement. Smiling, Hitomi took her time to brush Cahira's smokey black coat down, paying extra attention to her spotted blaze, making certain it shone like fine satin before she tacked her up.
Today Hitomi had planned on working Cahira at herding Jackson. She had a sneaking hunch the mare would excel as a reiner but the problem was, they'd never tried this method of cattle work before and using Jackson no less. Hitomi knew Jackson was used to such antics, but Cahira? She doubted the mare would remained focused if she also felt fearful. It'd been something Hitomi had wanted to work on, but time was now against them and she had to make an impression. Mounting up, she sighed. In less than two more months, she wouldn't be able to ride, she wouldn't be able to even make it down to the barns. Her pregnancy was progressing at such a speed, she would need the last remaining two months off, and then another two months to recover. While she loved the idea of becoming a mother, she also felt the challenges it now presented as she patted Cahira on the side of her neck, all the while, Hitomi's husband, Lucian, watched just outside the round pen. Both of them knew, if Cahira reacted badly, and threw Hitomi, it would be a major emergency. But, they'd both discussed everything at length the night prior when it'd become known the rescue was going to pay a visit. The risks, they concluded, outweighed the loss, that losing Cahira back to the rescue, would bring. The mare was family and you simply didn't give up on family like her.
"Okay girl. We're going to try something new today, something I think you'll like. But I need you to trust me." Whispered Hitomi as Cahira flicked her ears back to listen to Hitomi's voice. "We're going to try cattle cutting and it's exactly as it sounds. You'll be working with cows and then, Jackson. I need you to be brave. If you can do that for me, there'll be a big treat waiting for you at the end." Stated Hitomi as Cahira seemed to weigh Hitomi's words before bobbing her head. Smiling, Hitomi reined her from the round pen and into the large, indoor arena. It was here, that they'd been working together, around the various livestock that called WRR home. Sheep didn't phase Cahira. She all but ignored them. She found them more annoying then terrifying. But cows? That was an entirely different story and one Hitomi was determined to work with her on. If they could overcome Cahira's fear, just enough that she could successfully cut three cows and Jackson from the herd, for the allotted two and a half minutes, then the training would be a success. Riding her down the center line, Hitomi watched as Jason let the cows out, their anxious mooing causing Cahira to flick her ears so far forward, the tips nearly touched. Feeling the mare tremble below her, Hitomi whispered soothingly to her. "Easy girl. It's okay. I'm right here with you. Just don't toss me, cause that'd be bad." She stated as Cahira's ears flicked back at the sound of Hitomi's voice. Slowly, she felt the mare relaxing while Hitomi eyed up the herd and spying Nunu, an older cow, one who was more relaxed, trying to inch her way towards a pile of hay, Hitomi made her move and gently urged Cahira towards her.
With a near instant burst of speed, Cahira darted towards the now startled cow, who was trying to dodge her way back to the now alarmed herd, but sitting deep in the western saddle, Hitomi guided Cahira threw first an anxiety attack that nearly saw Nunu make her way back to the herd, and then, through the ride of a lifetime, as Cahira seemed to quickly work out, that she, not the cows, she was now in full control. Letting Nunu go back to the herd, Hitomi quickly cut two other cows from the herd before letting them go as well. With less than 90 seconds to go, Jackson was let in and although she felt Cahira startle, Hitomi urged her to refocus on her task at hand and quickly cut the now alert Brahma bull from the herd. Dodging left then right and then left again, Cahira worked till the time gave it's shrill whistle, till both she and Jackson were slathered in sweat and breathing hard. But Hitomi had felt the near instant change in the mare. Had felt when Cahira had realized, that she was now in charge and patting the mare on her neck, Hitomi smiled when Cahira dipped her head and heaved out a heavy sigh. Once the cows were secured and Jackson was taken back to his own pen, did Hitomi dismount and smile as Cahira pressed her sweat dampened brow against her chest. "And that my beautiful, is how you overcome fear." She whispered as Cahira whickered softly.
Leading her down the large arena's perimeter, Hitomi cooled Cahira down and just as they reached the exit, Lucian quickly draped a sweat sheet over the mare's back to prevent her from getting cold. "What do you think will happen now?" He whispered as Hitomi shook her head. "Anything but we proved our point. She's improved by leaps and bounds here. If they can't see that, then...." She trailed off when she heard her name being called and turning, watched as the same rep, who'd found so many faults in their training methods, walked up to them, a genuine smile on his face. "Mighty impressive out there. I think your future with this mare is bright." He stated as he shook Hitomi's hand before walking away, while Cahira pressed her head to Hitomi's back as if to say 'we did it!'
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Phase 3: Into the Future
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In 2024 Loshenka Makeover ・ By AkibaWolfProductions

Event: 2024 Loshenka Makeover ​​

Phase Number: Phase Two

Horse ID#: 2623

- Issues: Terrified of Livestock

- Description: Nobody’s quite sure what happened to this horse in their youth; the rescue has had to put them in the paddock farthest away from any non-equine animal, as this horse will panic, freeze, or bolt at the sight or smell of livestock. This was not compatible with the working farm they were surrendered by.

XP Breakdown:

+12(1231 WC)

+2 (Rider/handler)

= 14XP

Cahira = Loshenka

Submitted By AkibaWolfProductions
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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