Phase Two: Past & Present

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Hitomi sighed as she gazed at her clipboard. She'd spent the first two weeks of Cahira's arrival to Wild River Ranch, getting the mare used to the various comings and goings. All the while, the main problem of the mare being terrified of livestock still persisted. After Cahira had all but attempted to clamber out of her stall when she'd heard Jackson bellow to another bull several paddocks over, Hitomi had quickly sent her coach and best friend Jason Murez to Cahira's old ranch to try and find out as much information as they could. What he'd discovered was that yearlings were put in with the livestock they were expected to work, without any regard for their safety. Cahira, it was quickly reveled, had been seriously injured when a young Brahma bull had tried to gore her. Her injury had been so severe, that they'd pulled her from the paddock and had put her in another, still in sight of the very bull that had tried to attack her. Once healed, they'd sent her to the rescue without giving up much information on how or why the mare had been so scared of livestock. Now Hitomi stood just outside Cahira's stall, while gazing at a possible plan. For several days, she'd kept Jackson blanketed, allowing his scent to accumulate on the fabric and now, that very blanket was sitting on the open stall door of Cahira's stall. Another blanket had been put on Jackson and it would be this very blanket that Hitomi hoped, would be going on Cahira, she was simply waiting on Jason and Clare to come help.
"Hitomi. How's she doing with just smelling Jackson's scent?" Asked Jason as he finally came into the barn from the main house after going in to grab a coffee. Turning, Hitomi smiled. "She hasn't been spooking and from what the cameras have shown, she was curious more than fearful. But that could change once we put the new blanket on her." She replied as Jason nodded in agreement. "I suggest, if we do, do this, we do so in the round pen, that way Cahira can buck her anxiety out of her system. It may sound cruel, but there's really no way for us to reassure her, other than by speaking to her. At the end of the day, she'll have to realize for herself, that the blanket and therefore, Jackson's scent, isn't going to hurt her." Stated Clare as Hitomi nodded in agreement. It was, in many areas of the world, considered a 'dated' practice. But, it was a practice that was not only gentle, it had worked wonders on Hitomi's many previous rescues, including BLM mustangs during her time as a Makeover trainer. "Alright, let's get her down to the round pen first." She finally stated as Jason slipped into Cahira's stall and clipped her lead shank to her halter before leading her down the barn aisle towards the round pen. A day prior, they'd moved Jackson from being so close to the barn, as it had hindered their ability to give Cahira any sort of paddock time, but once they'd moved to the large bull, she'd willingly walked with them to the round pen and back. At the round pen, Hitomi smiled when she saw her husband, Lucian, waiting with Jackson's second blanket in hand and as they approached, she watched as Cahira's ears flicked forward, curiously when she saw the second blanket.
"She knows Jackson's scent but let's not forget, she's still quite spooky when it comes to smelling him for the first time." Stated Jason as Hitomi, Clare and Lucian all nodded in agreement. Even though Cahira knew Jackson's scent, she only knew it from hanging over her stall door and not by being physically on her body. This next step in her rehab, would be a whole new challenge for the mare, but it was one that Hitomi was certain would work. Once in the round pen, she watched as Clare took the blanket from Lucian and after letting Cahira smell it, covered her with it before securing the straps into place. At first, the mare did nothing but as soon as Jason and Clare stepped back, she seemed to second guess herself and all but exploded in a flurry of bucks, snorts, squeals and high stepping rears that had Hitomi holding her breath. *Please calm down Cahira!* She thought pleadingly. She knew if the mare could overcome this step in her rehab, that the next step would be easier. Sensing Hitomi's rising distress, Lucian moved to her side and gently wrapped an arm about her waist. "She'll be okay love." He whispered but Hitomi's gaze never wavered from Cahira's frantic bucks. Finally, after what seemed like hours but had been mere minutes, Hitomi stepped away from her husband and moved towards the frantic mare. Everyone watching, knew that while Hitomi was heavily pregnant, they also knew, she was still taking an active role in managing the animals on her ranch's property, even if, at times, it meant getting up close and a bit too personal with danger.
"Cahira. Calm down babe." She called as the mare's frantic gaze swung towards her, her nostrils flared wide as she sucked in large lungfuls of air. "Come on babe. Calm down. It's okay. It's just a blanket." Soothed Hitomi as Cahira snorted loudly, her entire body slick with sweat and trembling. Slowly, Hitomi felt herself zoning out, as she so often did when she was focusing on a task. Whether that task was racing as a jockey, or working on her ranch's financials, she would zone out so she could focus and not be distracted by everything going on around her. Ever so slowly, she began to walk up to Cahira, all the while, keeping her gaze on the mare's eyes, noting that while she was fearful, she was receptive for directions. Holding out her right hand, Hitomi paused when the mare flinched, shying briefly away, before standing quietly once more, her gaze locked on Hitomi's slow approach. Keeping her hand extended, Hitomi watched as Cahira slowly turned towards her, her head lowering slightly as she began to make a lipping motion and smiling at this small breakthrough, Hitomi carefully rested her hand, just under the mare's chin, watching as Cahira flicked her ears towards Hitomi's voice. "See? Nothing to be scared of. Nothing scary in here. Jackson's in another round pen. You're just smelling his scent, something you should know by now." She stated soothingly, while the mare twitched an ear, a heavy sigh escaping her. Smiling, Hitomi clipped a lead shank to Cahira's halter and gently guided her to turn to gaze at the blanket while Hitomi gently lifted a section of the blanket so that the mare could sniff it. "See. Nothing to be scared of." Whispered Hitomi as Cahira snorted softly, seemingly in agreement.
"Come on. Let's get you cooled down. You've soaked yourself in sweat with your silly goose antics." Teased Hitomi as Cahira bobbed her head before draping it over Hitomi's right shoulder, another heavy sigh escaping her. "Rough day eh?" Whispered Hitomi as she gently held Cahira's head close.
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Phase Two: Past & Present
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In 2024 Loshenka Makeover ・ By AkibaWolfProductions

Hitomi's team have discovered that Cahira's start in life, wasn't the easiest and now, they've a long road ahead of them before they can even think of introducing her to their resident, giant puppy, aka bull, Jackson. But baby steps go a long way!


Event: 2024 Loshenka Makeover ​​

Phase Number: Phase Two

Horse ID#: 2623

- Issues: Terrified of Livestock

- Description: Nobody’s quite sure what happened to this horse in their youth; the rescue has had to put them in the paddock farthest away from any non-equine animal, as this horse will panic, freeze, or bolt at the sight or smell of livestock. This was not compatible with the working farm they were surrendered by.

XP Breakdown:

+12(1200 WC)

+2 (Rider/handler)

= 14XP

Cahira = Loshenka



Submitted By AkibaWolfProductions
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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