[ BONUS PROMPT #1] Concerning Yara

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To: reilly.otoole@canavancreek.pc  
Yara's Records

Monday, June 3rd, 4:15 pm

Hi Reilly, digital copies of Yara's information attached, as requested.
How did she travel?

Jack Leeds

Canavan Equine Rescue

Attachments Included
Canavan Equine Rescue - Profile: Yara.docx
Behavioural Assessment - Yara.docx
Yara  (2024).docx

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To: jack.leeds@canavan.equinerescue  
REPLY; Yara's Records

Tuesday, June 4th, 10:37 am

Thanks Jack!
She was very brave, did a really good job of not rushing off the trailer when we arrived and is settling in as well as can be expected.  She's already quite attached to Twist, so we'll see how she goes.
I'll make sure to send you some photos at the end of the week!

Reilly O'Toole

Juniors Coach
Canavan Creek Polocrosse




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> This Week

Yara  (2024).docx   ]

Behavioural Assessment - Yara.docx

Canavan Equine Rescue - Profile: Yara.docx


> Last week

CCE Safety - Biosecurity Protocols (2024).pdf




Yara (2024)


Separation anxiety, mostly around removal from group (notably less so if a group member is removed, as long as others are still present)
(Situational) poor ground manners, particularly in being removed from group
— presents a significant safety risk to handlers (trampling, etc.)
— to ensure staff safety Yara is taken pretty much everywhere with a buddy (doesn't seem to rely on any particular horse)
Signs of depression (suspected direct link to herd bound anxious behaviours, shuts down entirely in isolation)


Bred by Niamh O'Rourke at O'Rourke Performance Horses.
Basic education completed at the same facility by Callum O'Rourke.
— described as being started under saddle
— round yard work
— indoor arena work
— trail exposure (on property)
— exposure to poles
— ponying off other horses

Sold to client August 11th 2023 after 4 weeks trial on-property. Client previously known to breeder.
Described before sale as a brave, willing and curious young horse. A bit mouthy, but generally sweet and receptive to people, including strangers.

Client returned Yara to breeder on September 26th of the same year as per contractual agreement included in bill of sale. Client encountered a sudden onset of undesirable behaviours upon transferring Yara to their property.
Described as being totally shut down, slow or entirely unresponsive to aids, dead to the leg and easily overwhelmed in previously familiar situations. Client kept in close contact with Ms. O'Rourke throughout the entire period. Extensive veterinary testing yielded no evidence of illness or injury to explain the sudden change in behaviour and the subsequent loss of appetite.  Speculations of depression made. Yara lost a significant amount of weight and muscle during this time.

Upon being returned to breeder facility and reintroduced to group turnout with familiar horses, Yara reportedly brightened up and began to take more interest in eating. 
After six weeks of intensive feeding she'd physically recovered enough to be brought back into work in the hopes of continuign her education and selling her on again, but it is at this point that more significant behavioural issues arose.
Yara began to display acute signs of distress and agitation upon being removed from her turnout group. Mr. O'Rourke notes that Yara had been somewhat anxious about other horses being removed for exercise, but had thought little of it at the time.  This behaviour quickly spiralled out of control. Described as incredibly anxious and fretful under saddle, particularly if being worked alone. Tends to crowd other horses in the arena. Has not been ridden outside an arena since.

To accomodate space for other sale prospects and client horses, Callum and Niamh sought out a second opinion on potentially submitting her to the rescue. Yara was transferred into our care officially on December 27th, 2023. Needed to be fed in sightline of other horses while in quarantine, spent a significant amount of that period pacing in her paddock.

Applied to be featured in the 2024 Loshenka Makeover with permission from Ms. O'Rourke. Accepted.

Since being in our care Yara has been cycled between turnout groups and several separation attempts have been made. She continues to display similar behaviours to that which was described to us, though the migration between groups of horses seems to have lessened her fretting somewhat in cases where she can still see her previous herd mates.

Additional Notes

Has not been ridden since November of 2023.


Canavan Equine Rescue

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[ BONUS PROMPT #1] Concerning Yara
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In 2024 Loshenka Makeover ・ By quillonaquest

Event: 2024 Loshenka Makeover
​​Phase Number: Bonus Prompt 1
Horse ID#: 6460 (Yara)
- Issues: Herd Bound, Shuts Down When Isolated
- Description: Once turned out, this horse refuses to leave their herd. They become completely shut down when separated from other horses, showing a strong herd dependency. They have been started under saddle, but their anxiety is a major hurdle.
XP Breakdown:
+ 7XP (base points) (714 words)


Character Roster


Yara (Makeover Horse - ID 6460)
Unnamed Paddock Buddies (Mentioned)


Reilly O'Toole (Yara's New Handler)
Jack Leeds (co-founder of Canavan Equine Rescue)
Niamh O'Rourke (breeder of Yara) (Mentioned)
Callum O'Rourke (trainer of Yara) (Mentioned)
Ensemble: Canavan Equine Rescue Staff, Client (Mentioned)

Submitted By quillonaquest
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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