Bonus prompt #1 - Vet Check

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Harper, Kevin, and the new stallion, Teddy. Had arrived to Maple Wood Equestrian Centre at 4 am. Getting the stallion into the quarantine barn, she would turn him out into one of the pastures for the quarantine horses later today. First sleep was certainly needed for her. Teddy was just being a goof as they walked over to the barn, he seemed to know no personal space with his face. The stallion seemed excited to just interact, he was a good horse that was for sure. She would have request a check on him by the on-site veterinary. It was honestly nice being at a barn with at least one vet right there. Bringing him into the stall, she removed his number tag, proceeding to take off the halter as well "you have a good rest bud, I'll have you outside once I get some sleep" she spoke through a stifled yawn, closing the stall door behind her. No freak out? Wonderful, Caramel had not liked being in the stall, so this is a pleasant relief that Teddy would not be experiencing said amount of panic. 


It was probably 10 am now, Harper walked to the veterinary building. It was incredible that they had this on-site and could afford it fine. She had remembered getting so excited in the tour of the barn seeing it "hi Malarie" she greeted the familiar face at the desk "hello Harper, how's Caramel doing?" She would softly smile up from the computer she had been doing work on. How Malarie managed to remember the names of everyone and their horses was incredible, there was so many people and horses here "Caramel is well, probably mad I had to get someone else to care for her yesterday and this morning" Harper paused for a moment to think on what she'd say next "Which speaking of, I got a new makeover Loshenka, I'm going to need him checked out, he's a big lovebug" Malarie seemed to get excited at the mention of a new horse at the barn "I was looking at those makeover horses, I was wondering if I'd see any here, I'm excited to see him, let me get you an appointment" Malarie stopped talking for a moment to open up the schedule to fit Harper's new horse in there "how does 2 today sound? We had someone cancel so you can get in today, and what's the pretty boys name?" Harper smiled a bit, it was a pleasant surprise to hear she could get him in today, she was honestly expecting at least a week wait. Which wouldn't have been a problem considering that he didn't seem to be in an urgent medical need situation "that works wonderfully, and my handsome boy is named Teddy" she spoke listening to the clicks of the keyboard as Malarie entered in her booking. She said her goodbyes with her, now off to checkin on Caramel, then Teddy would be next. 


It was now later in the day, just finished letting Caramel into the pasture with her girlfriend. Now walking to the pasture she had turned out Teddy in earlier. He ran up to the gate when she approached, whinnying and overall just excited. He was so sweet it made her heart melt. She was holding his halter and lead rope so he knew he was going somewhere "hi bubs, let's be nice to the vet, mkay?" She laughed a little as he practically put the halter on himself while she had been slipping it on. Clipping the lead rope to the halter. After that she opened the gate, leading him out, closing the gate. He had good gate manners even, this was incredible. They walked to the veterinary clinic, bringing him in, one of the vets waiting for her. The stallion made his presence known with a loud neigh getting a few laughs, and one very excited Malarie peaking in just to see before she got dragged off to do something. Mark was a great vet, he had been the one to check over Caramel for her first vet check too "hi Harper, who is the lovely fella you have her?" He smiled wide gesturing to the stallion "this is Teddy, a makeover horse" she'd smile back, watching Mark go up and let the stallion sniff him "so what are you dealing with this year?" She was questioned, she had almost forgotten about the fact she'd have to tell him "he's healthy as far as I'm aware, this one has a fear of water and bridges" she got a small nod from Mark as he started to check over the stallion. Crouching down to feel his legs, with a small hum he stood, walking over to his head, checking his eyes. Then the stallions mouth, which Teddy had been a bit reluctant at first, but he cooperated in the end. Nothing wrong found there, thank god. She watched carefully as the stallion was checked over. Once Mark was done he went up to Harper "I would typically recommend the water treadmill to start him off before you get him under saddle. He does seem to have some form of weakness in his left leg there, I presume a healed injury that just needs a little more work before he is entirely well. But first I'd get him over that fear of water, or else he might hurt himself more" Harper nodded taking in what the veterinary had said to her "otherwise he is perfectly healthy, I am excited to see his growth" well that was a relief at least, he was healthy and just needed a bit of strengthening in his leg. Her thoughts getting cut off though by a "although, you are going to need to invest in some insurance on him, you'll need to pay full" oh fuck- she was given an apologetic smile by Mark, who gave her how much this was going to cost. She could afford it but dear god were horses expensive as hell. 


After paying she had brought Teddy back to the pasture he had been in. Filling up his water and getting him food, the stallion was gorgeous, he would make an excellent show horse she felt, he had so much potential. Pulling a sugar cube out of her pocket she held her hand out to feed him it. Which he graciously took, letting her boop his snoot after that. They had lots of work to do, now she had to go look at ways to help with water fears on YouTube. This was going to be an all night event she felt.

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Bonus prompt #1 - Vet Check
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In 2024 Loshenka Makeover ・ By Mellowo

Event: 2024 Loshenka Makeover

​​Bonus Prompt: #1 - Vet Check 

Horse ID#: 6479

- Issues: Fear of Water, Refusal to Cross Bridges

- Description: Crossing water or bridges is a monumental challenge for this horse. They freeze at the sight of a stream or bridge, refusing to take a single step forward. No amount of coaxing or encouragement seems to alleviate their fear.

XP Breakdown:

+9 - Fullbody 

+1 - Shading

+4 - Fullbody Handler 

+11 - Literature 

+2 - Handler Literature 

= 27 xp total 

Submitted By Mellowo
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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