[ Phase 1 ] Pencil Pushing and Pony Problems

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To: reilly.otoole@canavancreek.pc 
team@sagebrush.sa; team@canavan.equinerescue; management@canavancreek.es  
Subject: 2024 Loshenka Makeover: Confirmation of Assignment

Thursday, May 30th, 03:36 am

Hello Reilly,
Your public partnership with Sagebrush Sanctuary via Canavan Equine Rescue has been officially approved. Welcome aboard! 
We at the Sanctuary are so excited to have the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals and organisations across the globe for this year’s event. Your contributions to this event will not only serve to raise awareness for rescue horses and the versatility of the Loshenka breed, but also for the importance of supporting local rescue organisations and the important work they do to rehab and rehome horses in need.
Per our previous correspondence, for this year’s makeover, your assigned horse is Yara. Your horse’s official Loshenka Makeover profile has been updated accordingly. We encourage you to document her progress and share it with your rescue organisation so they can better advertise her for adoption.
Transport/pickup details will be confirmed for you this week by Canavan Equine Rescue’s team. 
If you have any further questions, contact us directly. 

Lorelei Fields

Chief Correspondence Coordinator, 2024 Loshenka Makeover
Sagebrush Sanctuary




To: loshenka_makeover@sagebrush.sa  
REPLY; 2024 Loshenka Makeover: Confirmation of Assignment

Thursday, May 30th, 08:17 am

Thank you, Lorelei. Having worked with Loshenkas for over a decade in a region largely unfamiliar with the breed and its capabilities, I can safely say I’m just as excited. I look forward to working with Yara and seeing the impact of this year’s event with your decision to go international. 
Have a good one!

Reilly O’Toole

Juniors Coach
Canavan Creek Polocrosse




To: reilly.otoole@canavancreek.pc  
REPLY ALL; Details for Pick Up (Yara)

Friday, May 31st, 4:17 pm

I’ll be off-site on Monday morning, but anytime after 12:30 pm works for us. Jeanie and I will both be on site to dot i’s and cross t’s and help load her up. She hasn’t travelled since arriving at the rescue but considering how quickly she’s grown attached to the other residents, a suitable buddy might make the journey less stressful for her.
Let me know what works best for you.

Jack Leeds

Canavan Equine Rescue




To: jack.leeds@canavan.equinerescue  
REPLY ALL; Details for Pick Up (Yara)

Friday, May 31st, 4:52 pm

I’ll be heading out to pick up one of our horses from Doc’s at 12, so we should be back in town before 3 pm. Twist is a happy traveller, he should handle any distress from Yara pretty well.
See you on Monday!

Reilly O’Toole

Juniors Coach
Canavan Creek Polocrosse




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[ CCP 003 ]
VC8 62E

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CCP 003

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Journey Purpose:
Additional Comments*: [ driving to the vet, animal pick up ]


Start Odometer
[ 31072 ]
Start Location
[ 1341 Canavan Creek Rd, Canavan, NSW ]
Start Time
[ 12:07 PM ]
Start Date (DD MM YYYY)
[ 03 ] [ 06 ] [ 2024 ]

End Odometer
[ 31126 ]
End Location
[ 12 Talbot St, Eaglerest, NSW ]
End Time
[ 13:25 PM ]
End Date (DD MM YYYY)
[ 03 ] [ 06 ] [ 2024 ]







Journey Purpose:
Additional Comments*: [ transporting animals, animal pick up ]


Start Odometer
[ 31126 ]
Start Location
[ 12 Talbot St, Eaglerest, NSW ]
Start Time
[ 13:40 PM ]
Start Date (DD MM YYYY)
[ 03 ] [ 06 ] [ 2024 ]

End Odometer
[ 31167 ]
End Location
[ 3 Drovers Ln, Canavan, NSW ]
End Time
[ 14:48 PM ]
End Date (DD MM YYYY)
[ 03 ] [ 06 ] [ 2024 ]







Journey Purpose:
Additional Comments*: [ transporting animals ]


Start Odometer
[ 31167 ]
Start Location
[ 3 Drovers Ln, Canavan, NSW ]
Start Time
[ 15:41 PM ]
Start Date (DD MM YYYY)
[ 03 ] [ 06 ] [ 2024 ]

End Odometer
[ 31198 ]
End Location
[ 1341 Canavan Creek Rd, Canavan, NSW ]
End Time
[ 16:14 PM ]
End Date (DD MM YYYY)
[ 03 ] [ 06 ] [ 2024 ]









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To: reilly.otoole@canavancreek.pc 
REPLY; Yara (New Horse) + Twist Return (Joy!!)

Monday, June 3rd, 6:10 pm

I must have missed you dropping by the office earlier, thank you for delivering her paperwork. 
I will notify the rest of the team. 

Cillian Canavan

Site Manager
Canavan Creek Equestrian




To: june.nicholls@canavancreek.es  
peter.keene@canavancreek.es; hafiza.abadi@canavancreek.es; logan.reynolds@canavancreek.es; lena.yarrows@canavancreek.es; colt.connelly@canavancreek.es; tiernan.canavan@canavancreek.es; teaghan.canavan@canavancreek.es; roan.canavan@canavancreek.es; keegan.otoole@canavancreek.pc; reilly.otoole@canavancreek.pc; harlow.dineen@canavancreek.pc  
FORWARDED; Yara (New Horse) + Twist Return (Joy!!)

Monday, June 3rd, 7:24 pm

Staff and volunteers, 
Please note that in observation of our biosecurity protocols, Yara is not to be handled by any unauthorised persons. This includes during morning and evening feeds. If all goes well, integration into group turnout will begin next Tuesday. Twist will also remain in isolation for a few days to avoid causing any undue strain to his surgical site.
Attached for your convenience is a copy of our procedures. Relevant information is located in the section subtitled New Arrivals.

Cillian Canavan

Site Manager
Canavan Creek Equestrian


— Forwarded Message —

To: management@canavancreek.es   
Yara (New Horse) + Twist Return (Joy!!)

Monday, June 3rd, 5:59 pm

Hi Cillian!
Our makeover mare has arrived safely!! She’s a little stressed but has settled enough to nibble at her dinner when she’s not pacing in the yards, and I made sure to add her to the board in the feed room before I left tonight. 
Doc said Twist may still be a bit tender, she recommended keeping him separate from his mates for a bit so he doesn’t “do a Twist” (her words, not mine) and un-do all her handiwork. I’ve left him in the yards too at June’s request.

Reilly O’Toole

Juniors Coach
Canavan Creek Polocrosse


1 Attachment Included
CCE Safety - Biosecurity Protocols (2024).pdf

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Untitled | Last Edited: 05:51, June 2nd, 2024
| add vegemite to the shopp. . . |
[ Yara - Makeover Pony!! | Last Edited: 18:25, May 31st, 2024 ]
| Pick Up: Monday June 3rd. . . |
TBR 2024 | Last Edited: 21:17, May 18th, 2024
| Novels . . . |
New Tank | Last Edited: 11:36, May 18th, 2024
| - hang back filter . . . |


Yara - Makeover Pony!!

Pick Up: Monday June 3rd (add to Calendar)

Basic Details: (updated with more info: see copy of case file from jack)

— rising 5yo mare
— some ground handling (?? jack seems skep)
— started under saddle in april 23
— sold green in august 23
— surr. to rescue by og trainer late dec 23 after proving incompatible with buyer’s exp.
— submitted for losh makeover
— minimal handling since, herd bound, shows sig. anxiety around sep. from buddies


ground handling is now priority 1 - safety risk
— Exposure Therapy™ (positive experiences in isolation from others)
grooming, ground handling, tying, feet
snacks (could not get her to eat until I put her food at the rails closest to Twist),
1 on 1 int. (focus on maintain attention, learning personal space)
revisit ground handling
light riding riding scrapped til further not.

Note Saved Automatically   |  Last Edited: 20:36, June 3rd, 2024




Monday, 3rd of June, 2024


She’s here!!

You know it’s really dumb—especially considering I picked up Twist from Doc’s today and that boy has got at least an inch on her, maybe two—but despite knowing full well that she was sticked at 17 HH I didn’t expect her to be so big

For a young and undeniably anxious horse, she has an overwhelming presence. By comparison Twist and the other Loshenkas that come out of Canavan are pretty light. She’s far from being working fit but she’s big and dense and very classically built. 

According to Jack and her case notes, Yara shuts down entirely when socially isolated. Haven’t seen that particular behaviour since having Twist as a float buddy and now a quarantine neighbour may be a (welcome?? possibly future problematic) distraction, but I have seen what she’s like before she’s lost line-of-sight with her buddies. 

It’s explosive, like she has nowhere to put the nerves. It’d be bad for a horse half her size but for a mare as large as Yara, it could be downright disastrous. 

From what I know, before being given to the rescue for submission to the Makeover she was returned to her breeder by the original buyer. Too much horse for them. It takes guts to try and I’d argue it takes more to admit when you’re out of your depth in this industry, but she’s gotten lucky once. I worry she may not be so lucky a second time, and being passed about by owners ill-equipped or unwilling to commit to a horse with a Problem™–

We know how that goes.

The trouble’s not just that her anxiety escalates to full-throttle panic at the drop of a hat, but also that she forgets herself and the space she takes up. She’s already not super great about personal space—I mean, I walked her to the coun courtyard with my elbow dug into her shoulder the whole time just to keep her from walking over my feet—but the moment one of her buddies among the rescue’s permanent residents happened to call out, she practically jumped on my head in her rush to turn and respond. Self-soothing skills? Never heard of ‘em. The brains and the willingness to please are there, though. For a first-timer she was very good about following Twist onto the angle-load.

And ok I might be psychoanalysing the horse a bit too hard, but it also seems that she latches onto new buddies fast. Hell, I couldn’t even get her to so much as look at her food until I dragged it over to the railing closest to Twist’s yard, and she still paced between mouthfuls trying to get his attention. It makes me wonder if something else might have contributed to her current state of anxiety. I have a hunch but I’ll have to call Jack in the morning to see if he can confirm. 

I guess it doesn’t really matter, but it’d be nice to know for sure.

My focus for now is going to be on getting her to establish a better threshold for stress. Give her routine, structure, predictable things she can hopefully find comfort in. If I can redirect her focus from separation from the familiar and the safe to something else that is also familiar and safe, we might start connecting the dots. 

Issues aside, this girl is young. She has ti time on her side. Somewhere under all that anxiety is a big sweetheart, a baby who needs a little time. I know it– she just– she needs a little confidence boost.

I hope I can give it to her.




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Untitled  Contact Rescue

Enter text here. . . Call Jack @ 9:30 am tomorrow to discuss Yara’s past social experiences.
Breeder/trainer based at SAME facility.
Had she ever been removed from turnout buddies long term etc. before initial sale? (add to Calendar)

Note Saved Automatically   Last Edited: 21:20, June 3rd, 2024


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[ Phase 1 ] Pencil Pushing and Pony Problems
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In 2024 Loshenka Makeover ・ By quillonaquest

Event: 2024 Loshenka Makeover
​​Phase Number: ONE
Horse ID#: 6460 (Yara)
- Issues: Herd Bound, Shuts Down When Isolated
- Description: Once turned out, this horse refuses to leave their herd. They become completely shut down when separated from other horses, showing a strong herd dependency. They have been started under saddle, but their anxiety is a major hurdle.
XP Breakdown:
+ 20XP (base points) (2023 words)


Character Roster


Yara (Makeover Horse - ID 6460)
Twist (Yara's Unwitting New Buddy) (Mentioned)
Unnamed Paddock Buddies (Mentioned)


Reilly O'Toole (Yara's New Handler)
Lorelei Fields (Sagebrush Staff (not canon))
Jack Leeds (co-founder of Canavan Equine Rescue)
Jeanie Leeds (co-founder of Canavan Equine Rescue) (Mentioned)
Habibah "Doc" Yarrum (Specialist Equine Veterinarian) (Mentioned)
Cillian Canavan (Site Manager at Canavan Creek Equestrian)
June Nicholls (Manager at Canavan Creek Equestrian) (Mentioned)
Ensemble: Canavan Creek Staff; Yara's breeder/trainer (Mentioned)

Submitted By quillonaquestView Favorites
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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