0929 Bmr Milky Way

Owned by   Azurakyotha

Hall of Fame

Grey on Bay Tobiano Sabino + Grease Spots
Ee Aa nG nT nSb

Lucky Horseshoe, Olive Branch

Uploaded: 4 months ago
Last Edited: 4 months ago
---------------------------------------- SSS: Unknown
-------------------- SS: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SSD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
-------------------- SD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SDD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSS: Unknown
-------------------- DS: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DDS: Unknown
-------------------- DD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DDD: Unknown
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nosy | headstrong | gremlin | energetic | enduring | crafty | does not think ahead | always hungry | of fluctuating intelligence | lives in the moment | adventurous | happy | bouncy | climbs like a mountain goat | social | optimistic | golden heartedopportunistic messy eater can and will eat trash

Some may say Bunny is a curious mare- however, this is a gross understatement. She is nosy to an intrusive point. If this mare wants to know whats going on, shell move heaven and hell to do to so. Bunny is amazing at scurrying her way to her object of interest. Shell scale fences, walls and many other things in a less than elegant manner. But if it yields results, shell do it happily. This also means she is crafty to no end. She also tends to not think of whatll be after her goal is reached. She may be crafty, but just how smart she is seems to change based on situation, day and occasionally the weather. Bunny just does her thing and lives the moment. Standing with the Neravontii. Getting stuck in a fence. Oh the adventures of this little mare!

In all this Bunny never means any harm. If found hanging with a herd of imported alien beasts shell happily show off her new friends! Theres an endless amount of optimism to Bunny. She is a very happy, bouncy mare. Hence her name! Even on the worst of days shell happily greet whoever happens to walk by. She may not be amazingly mannered or consistently smart, but her hearts made of gold and she bears it for all to see.

Bunny is incredibly adventurous by nature and hence loves going for hacks and trail rides, especially more challenging terrain. This horse has the sure footing akin to a mountain goat and a keen eye for where to step next. She loves scaling inclines or mountain sides and has no qualms about taking on new of difficult obstacles. This mare shares a love of cold weather with one of her many friends, the mare Bienchen. Bunny will spend her winter days outside in the snow and summer in the cool shade. Though her light coloured coat does keep her from overheating.


Other/ additional Notes: 

- idiot proof

-tries to eat the sunscreen applied to her muzzle in summer. Which is why her owners got a special blend made that is safe to ingest but also tastes terrible.

-has scarring on her muzzle, which looks a bit like freckles. It stems from an encounter with a blackberry bush when she was still a foal. She did not really learn her lesson. 

-wears a collar with a bell, dogtags and a tracker. The bell serves her owners and the ranchs guard animals to help find her quicker, the dogtags are in case she is found by travellers or others unfamilar with the ranch. Dogtags say, besides phone numbers "I'm Bunny!!" and "I'm NOT supposed to be here!!" 

-has been allowed to free roam the yard and surrounding area, as confining her has not only proven to be night impossible, but also detrimental, as shed get quite sad without her adventures. 

-uses her adventures to steal food. Has the cutest puppy eyes and tries to get snacks even when shes already been fed, which shes very good at. 

-her favourites are beer and blackberries, which is slightly unfortunate as they can only be given in moderation. Of course shed prefer otherwise.

-stands in the most unflattering positions, especially for photos. Also she tends to contort herself in the oddest ways, which makes her the equine chiropractors best customer. 

-shed her mane by sneezing. It had begun to fall out and a stray strand tickled her nose. A big sneeze later, it was all explosivly shed. Then she tried to eat it.

-her single braincell bounces in her head like dvd screensave

-loves one particular plant that grows on the pastures and will spend all day searching and eating it

- usually okay with her reflection EXCEPT if its in a bucket. Then its a demon from hell out for her very soul

- the ranchs trashcans had to be made rodent-proof because of her, as Bunny once dug wrappers out of one and tried to eat them

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