0025 Right Hand Man

Owned by   LoshenkaAdmin

Pangare Gold Pearl Sabino Rabicano
ee Aa prlprl nP nSb nRb

Uploaded: 3 months ago
Last Edited: 3 months ago
---------------------------------------- SSS: Unknown
-------------------- SS: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SSD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
-------------------- SD: Unknown
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---------------------------------------- DSS: Unknown
-------------------- DS: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DDS: Unknown
-------------------- DD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DDD: Unknown
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[0025 Right Hand Man](https://www.loshenka.net/character/ID-0025)

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[![Thumbnail of 0025 Right Hand Man](https://www.loshenka.net/images/characters/12/12682_QQcnKRFpoO_th.webp)](https://www.loshenka.net/character/ID-0025)

Right Hand Man was born so sickly that nobody expected him to live through the first week. But to the surprise of everyone, he triumphed, continuing to get stronger and stronger as he grew up. But years of having his doting mother at his side, caring for him and making sure nothing bad ever happened, left him quite spoiled. He is beautiful and he knows it. He loves to show off and catch the attention of whoever he fancies at that moment, but rarely sticks by them for long. He is a bit too full of himself to really lean into the beauty of life, instead occupying himself with the little things - a shiny coat, a sugarcube, a chance to show off in the arena. He still has some growing up to do.

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