0024 A Bid Farewell

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Grey on Buckskin Blanket Appaloosa
Ee Aa nCr nG nLp patn

Uploaded: 2 weeks ago
Last Edited: 2 weeks ago
---------------------------------------- SSS: Unknown
-------------------- SS: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SSD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
-------------------- SD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SDD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSS: Unknown
-------------------- DS: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DDS: Unknown
-------------------- DD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DDD: Unknown
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Farewell is a mare as erratic as her coat. She tends to be very moody and unpredictable; one day she's like an angel, the next day she's snapping at anything within a 10-mile radius. On her good days, she is amazing, acting like a teddy bear and just wanting love and pets. On her bad days... don't even try. She becomes nippy and irritable, snorting and stomping at visitors. If you still get too close, that's on you. On a good day, her riders absolutely adore her for her bouncy, fun gaits and riding style, and she is a good mount for simple trail rides down the beach or deep in the woods. She's not suitable for competitions or lessons due to her moodiness, but a few members of the staff have a soft spot for her and will often take her out for rides on her own.

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