0017 Origami Star

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Pangare Wild Bay
Ee Aa nP

Uploaded: 3 months ago
Last Edited: 3 months ago
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Sire: Unknown
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---------------------------------------- DSS: Unknown
-------------------- DS: Unknown
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Dam: Unknown
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-------------------- DD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DDD: Unknown
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[0017 Origami Star](https://www.loshenka.net/character/ID-0017)

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[![Thumbnail of 0017 Origami Star](https://www.loshenka.net/images/characters/12/12177_PhDLIIBWgc_th.webp)](https://www.loshenka.net/character/ID-0017)

A deceptively innocent-looking stallion, Origami holds a certain amount of mischief in his horsey heart. When no one is looking, he sneaks anything left near his stall into his mouth and buries it in the straw, usually only to be found when someone goes to clean. Much like a crow, he has a certain fondness for shiny things and will snatch them up most often. He has even been known to steal bracelets right off visitors' wrists without them noticing, though nobody can quite wrap their head around how he manages this. Be careful around him, as you might leave the barn one or two items short!

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