0015 Versailles

Owned by   LoshenkaAdmin
Quality Merit

Silver Black
Ee aa nZ

Uploaded: 3 months ago
Last Edited: 3 months ago
---------------------------------------- SSS: Unknown
-------------------- SS: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SSD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
-------------------- SD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SDD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSS: Unknown
-------------------- DS: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DDS: Unknown
-------------------- DD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DDD: Unknown
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Being a slow, yet unwavering mount, it is no surprise that Versailles is often suggested for beginners to ride. It takes a lot to spook this stallion, making him an excellent horse for nervous riders. However, his meandering pace can be difficult to work with in competitions, as he is not often inclined to travel faster than a trot. He is also more of a loner, preferring to stick to himself than travel with the herd when out in the pasture, and often does not feel the need to compete with the other horses in races or otherwise, instead going at his own pace.

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