0005 Dirty Silver

Owned by   LoshenkaAdmin

Quality Merit

Grey on Buckskin
Ee Aa nG nCr

Uploaded: 3 months ago
Last Edited: 3 months ago
---------------------------------------- SSS: Unknown
-------------------- SS: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SSD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
-------------------- SD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SDD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSS: Unknown
-------------------- DS: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DDS: Unknown
-------------------- DD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DDD: Unknown
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What Dirty Silver lacks in height is made up for in his outstanding performance in the ring. A wild-born Loshenka of fifteen hands, Silver is at a disadvantage when paired with the schoolmasters he competes against. However, his scope and ability to fly over even the tallest fences as if they’re nothing rivals even the biggest and most advanced hunters. Dirty Silver is an up-and-coming champion that undoubtedly has a future in the most prestigious show circuits. His gorgeous coat is eye-catching and iconic... wherever this boy goes, awe is sure to follow!

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