0003 Chesapeake

Owned by   LoshenkaAdmin

Refined Merit

Pangare Bay
Ee Aa nP

Uploaded: 3 months ago
Last Edited: 3 months ago
---------------------------------------- SSS: Unknown
-------------------- SS: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SSD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
-------------------- SD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SDD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSS: Unknown
-------------------- DS: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DDS: Unknown
-------------------- DD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DDD: Unknown
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Chess is an elegant yet sturdy mare who holds herself to the highest regard and standards. Her coat may seem "plain" or "bland" to others, but she simply believes she is a prime example of a Loshenka! Her thick build holds her to be an exceptional all-rounder at any discipline, whether it be western, english, or just queen of the trails. Despite her name meaning "Great Water", Chess is actually not fond of the waves, feeling as if she should keep herself on dry land. She will refuse to step foot in anything deeper than a puddle, though even that will elicit a fuss more often than not.

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